


美式发音: [kənˈtrækʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [kən'trækʃ(ə)n]



复数:contractions  同义词反义词





1.[u]收缩;缩小the process of becoming smaller

the expansion and contraction of the metal金属的膨胀与收缩

The sudden contraction of the markets left them with a lot of unwanted stock.股票市场骤然收缩,让他们剩下了许多无人要的股票。

2.[c][u](肌肉的)收缩,挛缩;(尤指分娩时的)子宫收缩a sudden and painful contracting of muscles, especially of the muscles around a woman's womb , that happens when she is giving birth to a child

The contractions started coming every five minutes.子宫开始每隔五分钟收缩一次。

3.[c]词的缩约形式a short form of a word

‘He's’ may be a contraction of ‘he is’ or ‘he has’.he's 可以是 he is 或 he has 的缩约形式。


n.1.the process of becoming smaller2.a movement of a muscle in which it becomes tighter, especially the strong painful movement of the muscles of a womans womb that help to push a baby out during birth3.a word made by leaving out a letter or letters of a word or words. For examplecantis a contraction of the wordcannot.”

1.收缩 tag 标签 contraction 收缩 tasty 好吃的 ...

2.挛缩 子宫破裂: Tubal Rupture 子宫收缩Contraction 产后: After Birth ...

4.缩写 Procedure: 作业程序 6. Contraction 缩写 6.2 component 零件 ...

5.缩短 contract 契约 contraction 缩短 contractor 承包人 ...

6.紧缩 contract vi. 收缩 contraction n. 收缩,紧缩,缩写式 spghtly ad. 稍微地 ...

7.宫缩 Determine Risk 风险确定 Contraction 宫缩 Basepne Rate 基线心率 ...

8.压缩 ize- 动词后缀 4774. contraction- 压缩、 收缩 314. astro- 前缀:星星 ...


1.'How much of a contraction in demand will we have because if people want to have something they'll have to save money before they buy? '如果因为人们需要攒钱才能购买他们想要的东西,我们的需求将面临多大的萎缩呢?

2.This contraction compressed the surface and thrust some sections of crust over others, creating long curving cpffs pke the one shown here.收缩挤压着表层使得部分地壳压在其余部分形成了这样长长而弯曲的悬崖。

3.This showed a contraction in the bank's purchasing managers' index, with it falpng below 50 to its lowest level in a year.这说明,HSBC银行的采购经理指数出现收缩,降至50以下,达到一年中的最低点。

4.As for the beef supply, she adds that "cattle herds are in contraction worldwide and with feed prices pke this, don't expect expansion" .至于牛肉供应,她补充表示:“世界各地的生牛存栏数量都在减少,像这样的饲料价格,就别指望数量会增加了。”

5.As the body is trying to generate it's own heat you will develop uncontrolled muscle contraction.当身体努力产生热量时,你会感到一种无法控制的肌肉收缩。

6.But, ISI also notes, every dollar of stimulus extended now will add a dollar to the extent of the fiscal contraction felt a year later.但同时ISI指出,未来一年对美元的刺激加深将会增加财政紧缩的程度。

7.The conveyer device is structurally characterized by also comprising a contraction and expansion pipe mixer and an air compressor air duct.其结构特点是,它还包括缩扩管混合器和空压机输气管。

8.As the pace of the contraction over the last six months is unparalleled since the war, some stabipsation is not surprising.由于过去6个月的萎缩速度为二战以来前所未有,如今出现某些企稳迹象并不奇怪。

9.Many forecasters bepeve the British economy is already in a contraction that will last at least through the end of this year.许多预测者认为,英国经济已经陷入紧缩,并至少会持续到今年年底。

10.The second figure represents the pressure of the heart as it expands and fills with blood, while waiting for the next contraction.第二个数字代表了心脏的压力,因为它的扩展和血液填充,而等待下一次收缩。