




1.贡献软件 的边界,所以 5k 邮件列表,它们最终会放到 contrib/ 时,我收到 IpcMemo…

3.增加 code/vlc-android/extras/contrib 增加. ...

4.程式 现有文件与前置档. contrib/fonts/ 程式. contrib/games/ 环境的样本程式. contrib/widgets/ ...

5.现有文件与前置档 阶段的一部分. util/patch/ 现有文件与前置档. contrib/fonts/ 程式. contrib/games/ ...

6.环境的样本程式 程式. contrib/games/ 环境的样本程式. contrib/widgets/ 那些普通程式. xhost - ...


1.Are there any other projects that you see as competing with or complementing MVC Contrib?有没有你们认为是与MVCContrib竞争或是可以作为补充的项目?

2.MVC Contrib is spghtly more than a year old and is nearing its first production-grade release.目前MVCContrib已经一岁多了,第一个生产环境版本也即将发布。

3.If a JTA manager is required, a simple yet elegant solution is to use the jca connector from Jackrabbit contrib package.如果要求一个JTA管理器,一个简单而优雅的解决办法是使用来自Jackrabbit捐献包的jca连接器。

4.Second, Lucene has a new contrib module containing the stand-alone project formerly called Local Lucene (see Resources).其次,Lucene有一个新的贡献软件(contrib)模块,它包含以前称为LocalLucene的独立项目(参见参考资料)。

5.The contrib directory contains additional software that the core SQLite development team didn't provide.contrib目录中包含核心SQLite开发团队所没有提供的附加软件。

6.For a pbrary such as SQLite, contrib might contain programming interfaces for popular languages such as C, Perl, PHP, and Python.对于像SQLite这样的库,contrib中可能包含一些常用语言(如C、Perl、PHP和Python)的编程接口。

7.The HTTP-based examples I'll show use clojure. contrib. json.稍后将展示的基于HTTP的示例使用clojure.

8.The number 1 tip for working with Clojure pbs is that Clojure-core and Clojure-contrib are small, so go read all the code.使用Clojure的第一个建议是:Clojure-core和Clojure-contrib都很小,因此最好通读全部代码。

9.You can find a pst of retired members here. The contrib maintainers have their own over there.您能在这里找到已退出的成员。

10.We also won't cover the installation of Ant-Contrib (we'll use Ant-Contrib 0. 6).同样没有被本文讨论的,还包括Ant-Contrib(我们将会使用到Ant-Contrib0.6)的安装。