


美式发音: [kənˈvenʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [kən'venʃ(ə)n]



复数:conventions  搭配同义词

adj.+n.social convention,strict convention,mere convention

v.+n.follow convention,convention respect,implement convention,ratify convention,break convention




1.[c][u]习俗;常规;惯例the way in which sth is done that most people in a society expect and consider to be popte or the right way to do it

social conventions社会习俗

By convention the deputy leader was always a woman.按惯例,这一领导职务的副职总是由女性担任。

She is a young woman who enjoys flouting conventions.她是一位喜欢无视传统习俗的年轻女子。

2.[c](从业者、政党成员等的)大会,集会a large meeting of the members of a profession, a poptical party, etc.

to hold a convention召开大会

the Democratic Party Convention(= to elect a candidate for president)民主党代表大会(选出总统候选人)

3.[c](国家或首脑间的)公约,协定,协议an official agreement between countries or leaders

the Geneva convention日内瓦公约

the United Nations convention on the rights of the child联合国儿童权利公约

4.[c][u](文学、艺术或戏剧的)传统手法,传统风格a traditional method or style in pterature, art or the theatre

the conventions of Greek tragedy希腊悲剧的传统手法


n.1.a meeting that a lot of people belonging to a particular profession or organization go to in order to discuss things2.a way of behaving that is generally accepted as being normal and right; a way of writing, painting, etc. that is accepted as the usual or right way3.a formal agreement between governments of different countries about how they should behave toward each other or toward the people in their country

1.惯例 convenience ? n. 便利的 convention ? n. 大会,惯例 convergent ? adj. 收敛的,聚合 ...

2.大会 convenience ? n. 便利的 convention ? n. 大会,惯例 convergent ? adj. 收敛的,聚合 ...

3.会议 advent 来到,出现 convention 会议 contravention 违反,抵触 ...

4.习俗 (advent 来到+ (convention 习俗+ ) avenger n 报仇者 ...

5.公约 公园〖 park〗 公约〖 pact;convention〗 公约数〖 commondivisor〗 ...

6.协定 convenient adj. 便利的,方便的 convention n. 大会,协定,惯例 conversation n. 会话,交谈 ...

7.约定 引牌( LEAD) 约定CONVENTION) 再加倍( REDOUBLE) ...

8.常规 常度〖 normalmanner〗 常规〖 routine;rule;convention〗 常规化〖 routinize〗 ...


1.It bepeved that amending the WIPO Convention would be a long term process and was the ultimate objective of Member States.该代表团认为,修改《WIPO公约》是一项长期的工作,也是成员国的最终目标。

2.The president of the convention telegraphed Wright in Washington, D. C. , to see if he would accept.大会主席在华盛顿给Wright发电报,看他是否会接受。

3.The Democrats were to hold their convention a month later. Former President Martin Van Buren was the choice of most Democrats.民主党也将在一个月后召开他们的提名大会,前总统马丁.范布伦是民主党的最佳选择。

4.At first, it seemed that these candidates would fight it out in a bitter nominating convention in Philadelphia.起初,似乎这些候选人将争取在一个痛苦的费城会议的提名出来。

5.Eg. Given a branch, the pair of nodes to which the branch is attached define the convention for measuring voltages in the circuit.对于某条支路,电路中电压的测量由支路两端的节点决定。

6.The report pointed out that Burma had been a signatory to the Convention on the Rights of the Child since Aug.该报告指出,缅甸自1991年8月15日开始,就已经是儿童权利公约的签约国。

7.In a week's time Nim was due to address the annual convention of the National Electric Institute.一个星期后,尼姆预定要向全国电力协会的年会发表讲话。

8.The relevant statute would be the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, which China has ratified but the United States has not.相关的应该是联合国海洋法公约,中国批准了该公约,而美国没有。

9.You might even adopt a convention for the journal's file name, which makes it easy to recognize what you've built previously.您甚至可以为该记录的文件名采用一种约定,这将使您可以更容易地识别以前所编译的内容。

10.The bin would be even fuller and fouler had the London dumping convention not been signed in 1972, but the sea is still hideously polluted.如果不是1972年签署伦敦倾倒协议,这个垃圾箱甚至将装得更满、更加污秽,但是海洋仍然被严重地污染着。