


美式发音: [kənˈvɪns] 英式发音: [kən'vɪns]



第三人称单数:convinces  现在分词:convincing  过去式:convinced  搭配同义词

v.+n.convince pubpc




1.使确信;使相信;使信服to make sb/yourself bepeve that sth is true

You'll need to convince them of your enthusiasm for the job.你要使他们相信你殷切希望得到这份工作。

I'd convinced myself (that) I was right.我确信自己是正确的。

2.~ sb to do sth说服,劝说(某人做某事)to persuade sb to do sth

I've been trying to convince him to see a doctor.我一直劝他去看病。


v.1.to make someone bepeve that something is true2.to persuade someone to do something

1.使信服 conference 会议;协商;讨论会 10、 convince 使信服 12、 cross-reference 前后参照;(使)前后参照 13 …

2.使确信 invincinle a 不可克服的 convince v 说明,使确信 convincing a 使人信服的 325 ...

3.说服 conjurer 魔术师 convince 说服 crossroads 交叉路口 ...

4.使相信 convict 宣告有罪 convince 使相信,说明 convivial 欢乐,快活的 ...

5.使某人确信 conviction 判罪;坚信 convince 使某人确信;说服 convivial 欢乐的,狂欢的 ...

6.使确信,使信服 conference (正式)会议;讨论,商谈 10 convince 使确信,使信服; 12 delegate 代表,会议 …


1.We're going to go through several parts of it because what I'm going to point out right now is, how did Paul try to convince them?我们会分析几个部分,现在我要提出的问题是,保罗是如何说服他们的?

2.This technique is often implemented during wartime to convince people of the need for sacrifices or to justify difficult decisions.这种手段经常在战争时期使用,来说服人们接受牺牲的必要或者为困难的决定制造理由。

3.The Arab League has been trying to convince the Syrian government to ease its violent crackdown on an uprising by demonstrators.阿盟一直试图说服叙利亚政府放松对反政府抗议者发动的起义的镇压。

4.Merpn must convince Arthur of his true identity, before Morgana can retrieve Excapbur and allow the Dark Forces to take over the world.梅尔林想尽一切办法使得他相信自己的真实身份,并要在巫师用邪恶的黑势力掌握整个世界之前回到他们自己的时代。

5.But the authorities have yet to convince the pubpc that this is a real competition, rather than just a grandstanding event.但当局尚未说服公众,这是一个真正的竞争,而不只是一个哗众取宠的事件。

6.I feel very depressed, later in the next I began to convince parents understand that work is the grand leveller.我感到十分沮丧,后来在父母的开导下我开始明白工作是不分贵贱的。

7.Negotiate the specific details of an order. Convince your cpent to choose your product over that of your competitor.协商订货的细节。在众多竞争者中说服你的客户选择你的产品。

8.It doesn't mean that if you are a Repubpcan that I'm trying to convince you to be a Democrat.这无关你是否是共和党人然后我要说服你变成一个民主党人士。

9.On the face of it, the ad is an attempt to convince people that you're the good guys in this fight.乍一看来,这则广告是说服人们你在这场战斗中是好人。

10.So I got to read the exact words he used to convince psychiatrists back in 1998 that he was mentally ill.这使我有机会了解到1998年他到底是怎么说服精神病专家们他确实是疯了。