




1.做饭 date (日期) cooking dinner做饭) reading a book (看书) ...

2.做晚餐 ... 07 Mud,Mud,Mud 泥浆 09 Cooking Dinner 做晚餐 11 Class Teddy Bear 班级里的玩 …

3.正在做饭 drawing pictures 正在画画 cooking dinner 正在做饭 read a book 读书 ...

4.做晚饭 ... ……people are watching TV. 人们正在看电视。 cooking dinner 做晚饭 reading a newspaper …

5.煮饭 您要什么咖啡 How would you pke your coffee 煮饭 Cooking dinner 滑冰 Skating ...

6.煮晚饭 自己煮午饭/ cooking lunch 煮晚饭/ Cooking Dinner 看电影 Lorax by Dr. Seuss ...

7.煮晚餐 ... Unit 6 Father and son 父亲和儿子 ## Unit 7 Cooking dinner 煮晚餐 ## Unit 8 Mother and daughter 母亲和女儿 ## ...


1.Cooking dinner for a man is pke buying flowers for a woman, except it takes a lot more time, effort and thought for you to do it.给一个男人做饭,除了要花时间,努力,还有心思之外,就好比给一位女士买花。

2.Yesterday I was cooking dinner but I forgot that I had also left the washer and dryer on, so we got a power shortage.昨天我正做晚饭,可是我忘了洗衣机和烘干机还开着,结果我们断电了。

3.Cooking dinner would cost 5. 37 pounds -- cheaper to get a takeaway, once you add the cost of the raw materials needed to make it yourself.做一顿晚饭需要5.37英镑-就算你加上原料钱,你也会发现这绝对比叫外卖便宜。

4.After a difficult day at the office, Greta came home and began cooking dinner. "A woman's work is never done, " she sighed.在办公室过完忙碌的一天,格里塔回到家开始做饭。“女人的工作永远干不完啊”,她叹气说。

5.People could pull over to the side of the road and watch TV while cooking dinner.车主只要把车停靠在路边,就可以一边烹煮晚餐一边看电视。

6.My aunt fooled me into cooking dinner for her.我姑姑骗我给她做了晚餐。

7.The sun has set down, Mrs Hellen is cooking dinner, Sally, Tom and Emy are watching Tv, Mr Hellen is writing a book.太阳下山了,海伦夫人在做饭,萨利、汤姆和埃米再看电视,海伦先生在写书。

8.This hit me yesterday as I was cooking dinner, leaning over the counter, reading a recipe on the screen.我昨天都还倚着台子,盯着屏幕上的菜谱做饭呢!

9.I was thinking of cooking dinner tonight. Any ideas or suggestions about what I should make?我在想该做什么晚饭。有什么想法和建议吗?

10.While I was working in the garden, my mother was cooking dinner.我在花园里干活时,我妈妈正在做饭。