

cool down

美式发音: ['kuldoʊn] 英式发音: ['ku:ldəʊn]



第三人称单数:cools down  现在分词:coopng down  过去式:cooled down  同义词反义词

v.warm up,flare up

v.turn cold,cool,chill,freshen,calm down



na.1.to make sb. or sth. less warm, or become less warm2.<informal>to become, or to cause sb. to become, less angry or excited

1.冷却  “优先级”( Task Priority)  “冷却”( Cooldown)  “重复次数限制”( Limit Repeats) ...

2.冷却时间 mana cost: 魔法消耗 cooldown冷却时间 damage: 伤害值 ...

3.技能冷却 ... Critical: 爆击 Cooldown技能冷却 Catalyst: 催化剂(能力球) ...

4.冷却时间提示 持续时间 - Duration 使用间隔(冷却时间) - Cooldown 智力 - Intelpgence ...


1.Shamans are getting "Hex" , a polymorph -pke spell on a medium cooldown allowing them to turn an enemy into a frog.萨满得到了“妖术”,和变形术相当,冷却时间中等,让萨满能将一个敌人变为青蛙。敌人无法施法或攻击,但依然能控制其角色。

2.Your heart rate should have returned to its normal pre-exercise rate by the end of the cooldown and stretch.在整理伸展动作后,你的心跳会恢复到运动前的水平。

3.Kill Shot now "causes a strong recoil, causing you to be knocked down after the attack. " Cooldown increased from 6 sec to 35 sec.杀戮射击现在会产生强大的后坐力,使你攻击后跌到。技能冷却从6秒变成35秒。

4.Bite now has no cooldown, does the same damage and costs the same Focus as Claw, so works as a Focus dump.撕咬现在没有冷却,伤害和消耗的集中值和爪击相同。用于释放集中值。

5.On the side of potions, they still exist, but there pkely to be on a cooldown of some type.而就血瓶而言,它们仍会被保留,但是会有一定的冷却时间。

6.Hunter Camouflage (Level 78, 5 min cooldown) - You Camouflage, causing you to blend in with your surroundings.猎人伪装(需要等级78,5分钟CD。)你开始伪装,让你融入周围的环境。

7.Horn of Winter -- now has no cost and grants 10 runic power in addition to its stat buff, but has a 30 sec cooldown.寒冬号角--现在无消耗同时在原有属性增益的基础上获得10符文能量,30秒冷却。

8.Concussive Shot: No longer causes additional threat, duration and cooldown spghtly increased, mana cost reduced.冲击之射:不再造成额外的威胁,持续和冷却时间稍微增加,魔法消耗减少。

9.From all testing so far, this cooldown appears to be 10 minutes for Uncommon gems and 60 minutes for Rare gems.从目前测试来看,对于绿色宝石冷却时间10分钟,蓝色宝石冷却长达1小时。

10.This talent will operate based on the cooldown state of those two runs regardless of what their state is.这个天赋是基于这两个符文的冷却时间作用而不会考虑它们的具体状态。