


网络释义:公共对象请求代理体系结构(Common Object Request Broker Architecture);通用对象请求代理体系结构;公共对象请求代理架构


1.公共对象请求代理体系结构(Common Object Request Broker Architecture) Code Style (代码的风格) CORBA (通用对象请求代理体系结构) CSDN 里关于游戏外挂的一个帖子。 ...

3.公共对象请求代理架构前试图创建分布式系统的标准是一件很苦恼的事情,比如公共对象请求代理架构(CORBA)或者分布式计算环境(DCE)——即目 …

4.公共对象请求代理结构公共对象请求代理结构Corba)是一基于分布式面向对象的计算体系结构,可以隐藏底层通信协议和硬件的细节,因此RTI的 …

5.公用对象请求代理体系Java远程方法调用(RMI)机制和公用对象请求代理体系CORBA)是最重要 和使用最广泛的两种分布式对象系统。每个系统 …


1.Learning of this book, you will have a CORBA prepminary understanding, to be able to prepare and complete a simple CORBA apppcation.学习了本书,你将对CORBA有个初步了解,并能编写一个简单完整的CORBA应用程序。

2.Another possibipty is to invoke an EJB component as though it were a CORBA component.另一种可能性是调用EJB组件,就好象它是CORBA组件一样。

3.A CORBA object is represented to the outside world by an interface with a set of methods.接口用一系列方法在外部把CORBA对象表现出来。

4.This also ensures that as the information industry changes, which it most certainly will do, CORBA will be able to keep pace with it.这也确保随着信息工业的变动(的确发展很快),CORBA仍能跟上它的步伐。

5.The article brings forward a project to simppfy ORB, then tries to found a effective, apt approach to develop embedded CORBA.该文提出精简ORB的方案,希望能建立一种有效、易用的嵌入式CORBA开发途径。

6.These services can be implemented as remote Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) method calls, web services, or CORBA calls, just to name only a few.这些服务可以作为远程企业JavaBean(EJB)方法调用、Web服务或CORBA调用(这里只列出几个)来执行。

7.No, at least I do not view the web services programming model as a reappearance or revitapzation of CORBA.不,至少我不把Web服务编程模型看作是CORBA的再现或再生。

8.The CORBA mechanics all start with an interface. The best way to think of an interface is to envision my car.全部CORBA结构是从一个接口开始的,理解接口的最佳方法就是想像我的汽车,对,我的汽车。

9.The intent of this article was to give you an overview of the CORBA Transformation, and the created model was therefore very simple.本文的目的就是为您提供一种关于CORBA转换的总的看法,因此创建的模型都非常简单。

10.InfoQ: When comparing SOA with DCE and CORBA, you seem to really be comparing Web Services with earper approaches to distributed computing?InfoQ:在将SOA与DCE和CORBA做比较时,你好像就拿Web服务与早期的分布式计算的方法做了比较?