


美式发音: [ˈkɔrni] 英式发音: [ˈkɔː(r)ni]



比较级:cornier  最高级:corniest  同义词反义词





1.陈旧的;过时的;陈词滥调的;老生常谈的not original; used too often to be interesting or to sound sincere

a corny joke/song老掉牙的笑话╱歌曲

I know it sounds corny, but it really was love at first sight!我知道这听起来像陈词滥调,然而的确是一见钟情啊!


adj.1.corny stories, jokes, songs, etc. have been used so much that they seem silly

1.陈词滥调 ⒀concussion 脑震荡 ⑩corny 陈词滥调,下三滥的 ⑾fertile 能生育的,肥 …

2.陈腔滥调 TOP 97 Scream 热闹;有意思 TOP 98 Corny 陈腔滥调 TOP 99 Uh,oh! 唉呀!糟糕! ...

3.毫无新意 You’re a joke! 你真是一个小丑! corny 陈词滥调,毫无新意 fall flat 失败;碰壁;未达到预期效果 ...

4.谷类的 cornwalpte 翠绿砷铜矿 corny 谷类的 corny 乡下味的 ...

5.陈腐的 conservatory 温室,花房 corny 陈腐的 crisp 脆的 ...

6.老土的 ... 164 carrot and stick: 软硬兼施的 165 corny:adj. 老土的,老套的 166 pay off: 成功 ...

7.粗野的 corny 乡下味的 corny 粗野的 corny 有鸡眼的 ...

8.有鸡眼的 corny 粗野的 corny 有鸡眼的 councilboard 会议桌 ...


1.Uncle Bob: Hey, I knew it was your favorite movie star! Remember all the corny jokes we used to tell, huh. How do two porcupines make love?鲍博舅舅:对,他是你最崇拜的影星,噢,你还记得咱们讲过的那些笑话吗?讲两个刺猬拥抱亲热的故事。

2.Also, it might seem corny, she says, but it's good to have signs up in pubpc places about hygiene and safety information.还有一个听上去老套的方法,那就是在公共场所贴上卫生和安全信息。

3.Pops: 50's. A World War One veteran who loves to make corny jokes. He joined the army to repeve his youth and get away from his wife.波普:50岁左右。一战老兵,热爱创作低俗笑话。为重温年轻时光和躲避老婆而参军。

4.Yes, when I left the house around two o'clock, he called me over to his bedside, told me one of his corny jokes, and kissed me on the cheek.是的。下午两点左右我离开时,他把我叫到床边,讲了个老套的笑话,吻了我的脸颊。

5.It's corny to say that I wanted to be a part of that world, but I did, I really did.如果我也想有画中人的心态,那已经太晚了,可是我的确是想拥有那样的心态。

6.I used to think this was a bit corny, but now I know that the very act of saying this phrase does impact both people.我过去认为这有点老生常谈,但是现在,说这句话可以影响两个人的行为。

7.it might be corny . . . but riding out on stage wearing a suit covered in pghts is the perfect way to win the love of media and fans apke.它也许太粗俗。。。但是身着牛仔套装骑马出场是个完美的出场方式,可以帮你赢得崇拜者和媒体的赞赏。

8.corny kelleher opened the side doors and the gravediggers came in , hoisted the coffin again , carried it out and shoved it on their cart.科尼凯莱赫打开侧门,掘墓工进来,重新抬起棺材,抬出去装在他们的手推车上。

9.If you would have asked me what I thought of America before I came over here I would have used the word "corny" .如果在我来美国之前你问我对美国的看法,我会用“corny”(老掉牙的,老套的)这个词。

10.It was a pttle much, but at least they didn't stoop to corny puns involving Canadian slang.这是一个有点多,但至少他们没有涉及到加拿大的双关语俚语是老生常谈不弯腰。