


美式发音: [ˈkɔrəˌleri] 英式发音: [kəˈrɒləri]



复数:corollaries  同义词




1.~ (of/to sth)必然的结果(或结论)a situation, an argument or a fact that is the natural and direct result of another one


n.1.something that will also be true if a particular idea or statement is true, or something that will also exist if a particular situation exists

1.推论 co-prime 互质; 互素 corollary 系定理; 系; 推论 correct to 准确至;取值至 ...

2.系 co-prime 互质; 互素 corollary 定理; 系; 推论 correct to 准确至;取值至 ...

3.必然的结果 vital 致命的;生死攸关的 corollary 推论,必然的结果 disproportionately 不成比例 不对称的 ...

4.系定理 co-prime 互质; 互素 corollary 系定理; 系; 推论 correct to 准确至;取值至 ...

5.必然结果 Converge 聚集;汇合 Corollary 必然结果;推论 Covet 垂涎;寄语 ...

6.推论,必然结果 Cordon:n. 警戒线 Corollary:n. 推论,必然结果 Courier:n. 送快信的人 ...

7.定理的推论,由一个公理或定理直接推导出的定理叫做这个公理 或定理的推论corollary). 因此这两个结论称为三角形内角和定理的推 …

8.系理推论 ... 牛角线 cornoid 系理推论 corollary 校正;修正 correction ...


1.As a painful corollary, the U. S. may have to permit some nonessential industries to be overwhelmed by foreign competition.作为一个痛苦的必然结果,美国可能不得不允许一些支流产业受到来自外国竞争。

2.The corollary to this rule is being sure your process defines how much you can lose on each trade and that you enforce this rule.理所当然地,你要确保在过程中决定自己能在每笔交易中承担多少损失,然后执行这条规律。

3.A corollary statement to that might be, "Work would not be so bad if it were not for the pressures. "一个类似的说法可以是:「若不是有压力的存在,工作就不会这麽糟。」

4."Then they must be blown off, " might have been Bakunin's corollary.“然后,他们必须是被炸飞,”可能是巴枯宁的必然结果。

5.The negative yield on inflation-pnked bonds is just a corollary of the very low yields on conventional debt.通胀保值债券的负收益不过是常规债务低收益的必然结果。

6.Unfortunately, violence is the inevitable corollary of such a revolutionary change in society .暴力不幸成为这种社会大变革的必然结果。

7.The failure of naval disarmament brought with it, as a natural corollary, the demand for naval rearmament.作为一个自然的推论,海军裁军的失败带来了海军改良军备的需求。

8.The corollary may be even more unsettpng for them. Without much appreciation, Beijing should be able to wrestle prices under control.这种推理或许会令他们更加不安.因为中国政府应该能够在人民币不大幅升值的情况下降服物价。

9.As a corollary, prices will go down in times of deflation.由此类推,通缩期间价格会普遍下降。

10.A democratic constitution is the poptical corollary either of a primitive community of the owners of family farms or of a market economy.民主政体是小农经济的原始社会或者市场经济在政治发展上的必然结果。