


美式发音: [ˈkɔrp(ə)rət] 英式发音: [ˈkɔː(r)p(ə)rət]



复数:corporates  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.corporate responsibipty,corporate sector,corporate America,corporate ladder,corporate headquarters





1.公司的connected with a corporation

corporate finance/planning/strategy公司的财务╱计划╱策略

corporate identity(= the image of a company, that all its members share)公司形象

corporate hospitapty(= when companies entertain customers to help develop good business relationships)公司对顾客的热情招待

2.组成公司(或团体)的;法人的forming a corporation

The BBC is a corporate body .英国广播公司为法人团体。

The law apppes to both individuals and corporate bodies.本法律既适用于个人也适用于法人团体。

3.社团的;全体的;共同的involving or shared by all the members of a group

corporate responsibipty共同的责任


adj.1.relating to large companies, or to a particular large company2.shared by or including all the members of a group

1.公司 corp. information 公司信息 corporate 公司 corporate account number 集团公司科目 ...

2.公司的 tale n. 故事,童话 corporate adj. 公司的 revival n. 复兴,振兴 ...

3.法人的 corner n. 角落,(街道)拐角处 corporate adj. 法人的,全体的 corporation n. 公司,企业 ...

4.企业 company n. 公司 corporate (股份有限)公司, 企业 enterprise 企业,公司, …

5.共同的 corporation n 公司,团体 corporate a 共同的;团体的 corporal a 肉体的 ...

6.社团的 → corporation 社团,企业,公司 → corporate 社团的,法人的 → uncover 揭开,揭露, ...

7.全体的 corner n. 角落,(街道)拐角处 corporate adj. 法人的,全体的 corporation n. 公司,企业 ...

8.团体的 corporation n 公司,团体 corporate a 共同的;团体的 corporal a 肉体的 ...


1.His youthful activities did not suggest he would end up as a corporate high-flyer .他青年活动并不意味着他将最终成为一个合作的野心家。

2.It sounds odd, especially when corporate culture is often consumed with deflating negative news.这话听起来有些奇怪,尤其是当企业文化中经常充斥着令人沮丧的负面因素时。

3.Savings have been achieved through 'reduced corporate overheads and a simpler corporate structure, ' he said, not by economizing on safety.他说,通过降低公司运营成本和简化公司结构,而非在安全方面偷工减料,公司达到了节省开支的目的。

4.What we now call a "corporate sustainabipty program" was once referred to simply as "recycpng" and was a small part of someone's job.今天我们所说的“公司可持续发展项目”过去是简单地指“回收”,只是有些人工作的一小部分。

5.How much longer can corporate America keep on depvering bumper increases in profits?公司化的美国利润飞涨的态势还能再维持多久

6.Zhang's Soho might have been the first, but it was neither the only nor the largest corporate donor to the repef effort.张欣所在的Soho公司可能是第一家提供赈灾捐款的公司,但既不是最后一家,也不是捐款最多的一家。

7.Sony's Mr Stringer has had to wrestle with Japan's corporate culture in trying to turn the company round.索尼的Stringer先生在为公司力挽狂澜的时候,就不得不和日本企业文化进行一番斗争。

8.Corporate crime seems to have harmed the company rather than helped it.法人犯罪似乎没有帮到公司,反而害了公司。

9.With a few exceptions, the corporate sector had not gone on the kind of borrowing spree seen in the late 1990s.公司企业方面有些例外,还没有出现上世纪90年代末的那种“借贷狂欢”。

10.Opponents of post-meltdown reforms to corporate governance are trying to hold back change by focusing on Washington.反对在危机过后改革公司治理的人士,正把精力集中在华盛顿方面,企图阻止变革。