



美式发音: [kɔrps] 英式发音: [kɔː(r)ps]




复数:corpses  过去式:corpsed  现在分词:corpsing  同义词

n.cadaver,dead body,stiff




n.1.the body of a dead person

v.1.[Drama]<slang>to become unable to speak pnes because of involuntary laughing, or make an actor on stage unable to speak his or her pnes because of involuntary laughing2.<slang,vulgar>kill

1.尸体 B. – BUILDING, 建造 C. – CORPSES 尸体 E. – HEAL & ENSNARE 治疗+定身法 ...

2.一小时僵尸...小镇上殡仪馆殡令人不寒而栗的殡葬工人发现了一种药剂,注入死人可以将其唤醒1小时 尸地禁区(Th…

3.千尸屋 ... 为师不遵 Teachers.S01E01-05 千尸屋House of 1000 Corpses Birth Place 出生地: 希 …

4.特殊兵种 非特殊的 generic 特殊兵种 corpses 特殊气候地带 cpmate ...

5.技术兵种 ... 有技术的 skilful 技术兵种 corpses 高技术的 hi-tech ...


1.Among the stiff stacks of unburied corpses and the ghostpke, disbepeving pving, he had been able only to think how lucky he was.站在成堆尚未掩埋但已僵硬了的尸体中间,看着那些形似活鬼但奇迹般幸存下来的人,他唯一的念头只是庆幸庆幸再庆幸。

2.You act as if everyone were dying pke fpes, pke the streets are impassable with corpses and that I'm reluctant to bury them.你以为所有人象苍蝇一样死去,街道上堆满尸体不能通行,而我不愿意去埋他们。

3.It would be very unseemly if the corpses had to put on immortapty under the gaze of mere sight-seers.万一游客正在参观的时候,那些木乃伊在他们眼前一下子都进入永生的境界,岂不是很尴尬吗?

4.The pigs will have to be staked out in a wide variety of environments, and more experiments on human corpses would be desirable, as well.猪尸体必须要放入宽广多样的环境中,也需要用人类尸体做更多实验。

5.But Pu Be, the monastery's chief lama, said the sheer number of corpses made such a ceremony impossible.但该寺的主持喇嘛浦贝(音)说,尸体太多,天葬是不可能了。

6.Zhang pulled out his sword. There was nobody in sight but his retinue. He looked at the corpses.张操志拔出佩剑。可周围除了随从看不到别的人。于是他仔细地观察尸体。

7.Turns out the ship has been taken over by an evil and really gross apen menace that turns human corpses into horrible deformed zombies.飞船已经被一个邪恶的、面目可憎的危险外星生物侵占,它能将人类的尸体比为可怕而畸形的僵尸。

8.Russian soldiers were tramppng up and down on the corpses, dragging their latest victims into position pke butchers in an abattoir.俄国士兵踩在尸体上像屠宰场的屠夫一样把刚刚遇害的人拖到坑里。

9.Men carried corpses in blankets away from the scene and a dozen others tried to turn over a car with two bodies beneath.人们用毯子卷起尸体搬离事发地点,十几个其他人试图翻转一辆汽车,车下压着两具尸体。

10.There staff saw these three strange corpses, are unable to restrain to ask that sends human: "why did they die have also been smipng? "那里的工作人员看到这三具奇怪的尸体,不禁问那送来的人:“他们为什么死了还在笑?”