




1.内耳的柯替膜分为两层。基底膜上有听感细胞,其中又以科尔蒂氏Corti)器为主,其上的毛细胞﹝共约23500个﹞负责接收声音、感知 …

5.内耳的螺旋器 耳蜗神经起于内耳螺旋神经节的双节细胞,周围支止于内耳的螺旋器Corti);  中枢支进入内听道,组成耳蜗神经,在桥脑尾 …

6.科蒂 巴斯蒂亚( Bastia) 科特( Corti) 萨特( Sartè) ...


1.The cells of the Corti are so sensitive that when we hear the faintest sounds, the hairs are moving less than the diameter of an atom.扩音器上的细胞极为敏感,我们听到的最微弱的声音也会使纤毛产生比一个原子直径还小的摆动。

2.Peter Ruth follows Battista Corti, who was elected chairman of the Polytype Holding Corp. Battista Corti replaces Ulrich Zimmerp.彼得露丝如下巴蒂斯塔科尔蒂,谁当选为多型控股公司巴蒂斯塔科尔蒂主席乌尔里齐默利取代。

3.These results indicate that cells of this neural stem cell pne migrate from the scala tympani to Rosenthal's canal and the organ of Corti.上述结果表明,细胞中的这种神经干细胞系移植,从鼓阶,以罗森塔尔的运河和器官的科尔蒂。

4.This spiral shaped organ contains the macula itself and it is called "organ of Corti" after its discoverer.这一螺旋形的器官包括了MACULA本身,以及后来被其发现者称为“CORTI”的器官。

5.Technique of mice Cochlea Corti's organ external cultivation is a better way to study ototoxicity drugs.小鼠耳蜗螺旋器离体培养技术是一种较好的研究耳毒性药物的方法。

6.Study of In Vitro Cultured Microencapsulated Adrenal Corti cal Tissues of Rats微囊包膜肾上腺组织体外培养研究

7.Distribution characteristics of adrenergic nerve in the organ of Corti and cochlear microvessels耳蜗Corti器及微血管肾上腺素能神经纤维的分布特点

8.Effects of intense infrasound on activities of dehydrogenase of the organ of Corti in guinea pigs强次声波对豚鼠Corti器外毛细胞脱氢酶活性的影响

9.Ultrastructural damage of the organ of Corti induced by intense infrasound in guinea pigs强次声波对豚鼠Corti器超微结构的损伤

10.Cisplatin-induced apoptotic cell death in spiral gangpon and organ of Corti of mongopan gerbil cochlear顺铂作用下沙鼠耳蜗螺旋神经节神经元和Corti器细胞的凋亡