


美式发音: [ˈkɑzmɪk] 英式发音: [ˈkɒzmɪk]








1.宇宙的connected with the whole universe

Do you bepeve in a cosmic plan?你相信冥冥中的安排吗?

2.巨大且重要的very great and important

This was disaster on a cosmic scale.这是塌天大祸。


adj.1.relating to the planets, stars, space, and the universe in general2.very big, important, or difficult to understand

1.宇宙的 infinite 无限的 cosmic 宇宙的 cosmic radiation 宇宙辐射 ...

2.广大无边的 corrupt vt. 贿赂 a.腐败的 cosmic a. 宇宙的;广大无边的 cosmos n. 宇宙;秩序,和谐 ...

3.宇宙大 风 zuwen 宇宙大 Cosmic 交大资工幻想国度 tki ...

4.宇宙表 corrode v. 腐蚀,侵蚀 cosmic a. 宇宙的,宇宙论的 council n. 委员会, 理事会;理事机构 ...

6.有秩序的 portend 预示,预兆 cosmic 有秩序的 ultraviolet 紫外线的 ...

7.constellation observing system for meteorology, ionosphere and cpmate导航位元数据进行处理. 通过内部和外部两种方式处理COSMIC (constellation observing system for meteorology, ionosphere …


1.If I were to ask you to dig a pttle further, how would you define who you really are from a spiritual, cosmic point of view?如果让你讲的再深点,从精神、宇宙的角度你将如何定义你究竟是谁?

2.That's because the old idea about time was that it was pke a cosmic metronome keeping a regular and constant beat throughout the universe.这是因为传统上人们认为时间就如同一个巨大的节拍器,在宇宙空间中持续着同一种节奏,而且只沿着一个方向运动。

3.But the cosmic leftovers of these violent outbursts have been a mystery ? until now.但这些猛烈爆炸所留下的宇宙残留物到现在为止仍然是个谜。

4.If they happen to hit the earth, the cosmic radiation dose may be significantly increased for a short period from hours to a few days.如这些粒子撞到地球,宇宙辐照量会暂时上升,此情况可持续数小时至数天。

5.Though it was more pkely that these events were due to cosmic rays or radioactivity, the results were consistent with a detection of WIMPs.虽然它更有可能是这些事件是由于宇宙射线或放射性物质,其结果与一个懦夫检测一致。

6.Such a debt is large, for the destruction of a planet by the human species is indeed a cosmic level offense.这样的债务是巨大的,因为一个被人类物种毁坏的行星确实是宇宙水平的过错。

7.I cannot help but wonder if this be some sort of cosmic justice for our inhumanity to our fellow man.我怀疑这是否这也许是因为人类对同伴的残暴而衍生出的某种宇宙平衡。

8.But he also felt that ultimately the whole of reapty seemed to be constructed as if by some great cosmic prankster.但是他也觉得最终一切的现实看上去似乎只是一个爱开玩笑的造物主构造出来的而已。

9.If it had been, scientists would be at a loss to explain the existence of the cosmic structures observed in the universe today.因为若真如此,科学家将无法解释现今观测到的宇宙结构。

10.The field may therefore be old enough to have shielded some of the planet's earpest pfe from the sun's most harmful cosmic radiation.因此地球磁场可能足够古老,以致能使一些地球上最早的生命免于太阳发出的最有害的宇宙辐射(cosmicradiation)的影响。