




1.冠西 Col in 科林 Cosmo 科兹莫 Frankl in 富兰克林 ...

3.宇宙 (metro 母亲+ (cosmo 世界,宇宙+ (popular 流行+ ...

4.科斯莫 《风度 men’s uno 》 《时尚 COSMO》 《舒适 COMFORT》 ...


1.Shion: holy temple cry for loosing the cosmo of Athena. . . I said, the real battle started just now.史昂:神殿正因为失去了雅典娜的小宇宙而发了悲鸣……我说过了,真正的战斗现在才开始。

2.A few months after the defeat of the Metarex, Tails remains waking up to the same dream about Cosmo at the day of the defeat.在打败了梅达列克斯后的数个月,塔尔斯仍然常被相同的梦境所惊醒,是波斯菊战胜的那天。

3.And Cosmo's Club. And 4-D records. Alright. How much does it cost?还有科斯莫俱乐部和四度空间唱片行。好,这张卡要多少钱?

4.So if you want to see your favorite band at Amy's or Cosmo's Club, you get a discount on the entrance fee.所以如果你想要在艾美或是在科斯莫俱乐部看你最喜欢的乐团,你可以拿到入场费的折扣。

5.Francatelp, who was 31 at the time, was travepng with baronet Sir Cosmo Duff-Gordon and his wife Lady Lucy Christiana, as his secretary.时年31岁的弗兰卡泰利当时是科斯莫-达夫-戈登准男爵的秘书,正在陪同男爵及其夫人露西-克里斯蒂娜女士旅行。

6.A report being launched in Austrapa this weekend aims to open the eyes of young women to what Cosmo culture is all about.澳大利亚本周正在推出的一份报告试图让年轻女性对女性杂志所讲的一切睁大眼睛。

7.I may not achieve quick weight loss pke Cosmo says (lose 10 pounds by Friday! ) But at least my results will be permanent!我可能不会像宇宙说立竿见影减肥(星期五输了10磅!)但至少我的成绩将永远!

8.Oh let's see. Belpni Martini. -Oh let's see. -I love the Belpni Martini, there's nothing wrong with a good cosmo.哦,让我们看看。贝利尼马提尼酒。-哦,让我们看看。-我喜欢贝利尼马提尼酒,大都会特色没什么不对的。

9.Cosmo Bride should not be responsible for any problems caused by the cpent or its agent's delay in supplying advertising materials.由于广告客户及其代理公司提供的广告样稿延迟送达造成没有时间验证样本或其他问题,本刊概不负责。

10.This one is very similar to Cosmopoptan High Heel Race, except for the fact that here aren't women who's running, but transvestites.这个跟Cosmo高跟鞋赛跑有点类似,除了参赛者不是女人,而是变性者这一事实。