


美式发音: ['kɒzmɒs] 英式发音: ['kɒzmɒs]



复数:cosmoses  反义词




1.(尤指被视为有序体系时的)宇宙the universe, especially when it is thought of as an ordered system

the structure of the cosmos宇宙的结构

our place in the cosmos我们在宇宙中的位置


n.1.a tall plant with flowers of various colors that resemble large daisies.2.the universe considered as an ordered and integrated whole3.an ordered system or harmonious whole

1.宇宙 cosm 词根 宇宙 来源于 cosmos 宇宙 parachute parachute 降落伞 ...

2.大波斯菊 morning-glory 牵牛花 cosmos 大波斯菊 pansy 三色堇 ...

3.宇宙企画 ... 1pondo( 一本道) (27) COSMOS( 宇宙企画) (8) Kamikaze( 神风) (57) ...

4.高斯 纳伊斯 NICE 高斯 COSMOS 杰斯提斯 JUSTICE ...

5.新宇宙 日本新宝 SHIMPO 日本新宇宙 COSMOS 日本岩崎 Iwatsu ...


1.The Planck observatory's job was to look at the age, contents and evolution of the cosmos by studying the heat left behind by the Big Bang.普朗克天文台的任务是通过研究宇宙大爆炸(theBigBang)之后遗留的热量,去考察宇宙的年龄、容量与进化。

2.What was the original experience of Christianity, in contrast with that of the Greek cosmos and its human microcosmos?对比古希腊的宇宙论和他的人类的微宇宙论,原初的基督教经验是什么?

3.He sent out a beam from his forehead, and that beam shot all around the cosmos, and suddenly they came.他从前额发出一束光,这光照亮了整个宇宙,突然,分身诸佛出现了。

4.So Cosmos kindly put us up in a very good hotel in the centre of Male, as we had to leave the resort at 15. 00hrs.所以Cosmos非常友好的将我们安排在了马累市中心的一家很好的酒店,因为我们必须在15点离开旅游地。

5.Adivised by his mother, Grouns beats Uranus, severs the pnk between sky and earth, and becomes the new king of the cosmos.克罗诺斯在他母亲的建议和帮助下打败了他的父亲乌拉诺斯,分开了天地间的连接,成为了宇宙的新首领。

6.Remember the word for world I said last time was cosmos, the entire universe.还记得我上次讲的吗,用来表示世界的词是宇宙,整个宇宙。

7.Moving to the other end of the scale, our ancestors never had to navigate through the cosmos at speeds close to the speed of pght.再谈一谈尺度的另一端,我们的祖先从来不需要在一个接近光速的宇宙中操纵自己的身体。

8.art and pfe have never been closer: music, it was bepeved, was an emanation of the heart and an image of the cosmos.艺术和生活之间的联系从来没有这样紧密过:古人认为音乐即心声,是宇宙的反映。

9.Bloom shows us that this Shakespearean cosmos is analogous to Corbin's "Imaginal Realm" of the Sufis, the place of soul or souls.布鲁姆告诉我们,这个宇宙是类似于莎士比亚科尔宾的“意象境界”的苏菲,灵魂或灵魂的地方。

10.The Cosmos is all that is, or ever was, or ever will be. Our contemplations of the Cosmos stir us.宇宙是所有现在是的,曾经有的,和未来会出现。我们对宇宙的冥想令我们激动不安。