




1.科登号 ... Clarence K. Bronson 克拉伦斯·K·布朗森号 Cotten 科登号 Dortch 道奇号 ...


1.My Late father was a very rich Cotten farmer and he was poisoned by his business colleauges, with the help of my Uncles.我的父亲是有一个非常富有的(有限公司),在我的叔叔的帮助下,有些农夫想独吞他的生意。

2.One of the voices of the reporters watching the newsreel at the beginning belongs to Joseph Cotten.在影片开始时,观看新闻纪录片的一个记者的声音是约瑟夫·科顿的。

3.Not only is Joseph Cotten's voice heard in the beginning screening room scene but he is also clearly seen in the back row of reporters.约瑟夫·科顿不仅是声音出现在影片开场时的场景中,他的身影也出现了(就在最后一排记者中)。

4.The small bags are hand-made. They're made with red, yellow, green and blue silk, fine satin or cotten.小袋子是手工制造。它们是由重新与红色,黄色,绿色和蓝色丝绸,缎子或科滕罚款。

5.The effect of active substances and some auxipary agents on cotten seed complex coating agent and the technical conditions were discussed.探讨了活性物和各种助剂对棉花复合种衣剂性能的影响,并对加工工艺条件进行了讨论。

6.We can elucidate additionally that we import a great quantity of chinese cotten cloth every year.我们可以补充说明一下,我们每年进口大量中国棉布。

7.Cotten feels soft.棉花摸上去很柔软。