




1.棉花俱乐部 ... yyyy The Cotton Club 棉花俱乐部 COTTON-CLUB 棉花俱乐部 Famed Cotton Club 着名棉花俱乐部 ...


1.At the age of sixteen, Lena found work as a dancer at the famous Cotton Club in New York City.在16岁,丽娜发现作为一个在著名的棉花俱乐部在纽约市舞蹈家工作。

2.Money was tight in those Depression years, and Horne's mother obtained an audition for her at the Cotton Club through a friend.钱紧,在那些大萧条年代和霍恩的母亲帮她争取在棉花俱乐部通过朋友试镜。

3.Duke and his band could play at the Cotton Club. But they could not come to hear anyone else, because they were black.杜克和他的乐队可以在科顿俱乐部演奏,但是因为他们是黑人,所以他们不能听其他人演奏。

4.Use on home apppance things the small hole that inserts earphone or it is pushbutton groove, appped cotton club clears.家电用品上用来插耳机的小洞或是按钮沟槽,应用棉花棒清理。

5.Soon it was playing at the famous Cotton Club, where it would play for many years.很快乐队在著名的科顿俱乐部演奏,在那里它将演奏很多年。

6.Culture-vultures will book their seats in Shakespeare's Globe in 1599 or the Cotton Club, Harlem, in the 1920s.文化狂热者们会预定1599年的莎士比亚环球剧场和1920年代的哈林区棉花俱乐部的座位。

7.With the cotton club shoot dead,由于棉花俱乐部的拍摄取消了