




1.顾拜旦休闲、让人心旷神怡的海洋城市,更是近代奥林匹克之父顾拜旦男爵coubertin)为国际奥林匹克委员会(LOC)根据地指 …

4.顾拜旦爵士的理念与实际能够真正落实,并实践现代奥运会的创办人古柏坦(Coubertin) 先生在生前所提出的三个被遗忘的理念:

7.柯柏廷 ... 佛洛伊德 Freud 柯柏廷 Coubertin 居里夫人 MarieCurie ...

8.古伯坦从持续一千五百年之久的古奥林匹克竞赛会中获得启示,法国的名人古伯坦 (Coubertin),又再度使近代的奥林匹克竞赛复活起来。 …


1.The Modern Olympic Games might have remained just a part of history without the dream of one Frenchman, Pierre de Coubertin.如果没有法国人皮埃尔•徳•顾拜旦的梦想,现代奥林匹克运动也许只能是段历史。

2.Coubertin bepeved that sport and exercise were very important for the health and happiness of every man and also for the nation.顾拜旦坚信,运动和锻炼对每个人的健康幸福,甚至对整个国家,都十分重要。

3.Some bepeve that Coubertin attributed the defeat of France not to its miptary skills but rather to the French soldiers' lack of vigor.有人认为顾拜旦将法国战争的失败归结于法国士兵缺乏活力,而并非军事能力弱。

4.This cannot be what Baron Pierre de Coubertin and his friends had in mind when they resurrected the modern Olympic Games.这绝不是皮埃尔·德·顾拜旦和他的朋友们当初复兴奥运会时的初衷。

5.The creator of the modern Olympic Games was the French educator Baron Pierre de Coubertin.现代奥运会的创造者是法国教育家顾拜旦。

6.Juan Antonio Samaranch was the most influential president after our founder Pierre de Coubertin.胡安·安东尼奥·萨马兰奇是自我们的创始者皮埃尔·顾拜旦之后,最具有影响力的主席。

7.Pierre de Coubertin, the founder of the modern Olympics, conceived of the Games as a global melding of body, will and mind.皮埃尔-顾拜旦,现代奥林匹克运动的奠基人,认为奥运会应该是力量,精神和意志的盛会。

8.Members athletes, our founder Pierre de Coubertin is because of you and founded the modern Olympic Games.各位运动员,我们的创始人皮埃尔·德·顾拜旦是因为你们而创立了现代奥林匹克运动会。

9.Coubertin that the Olympic movement should have its own logo, this idea in his mind Panhuan a long time ago.顾拜旦认为奥林匹克运动应该有自己的标志,这个念头在他的脑海里盘桓已久。

10.It was a Frenchman, Pierre de Coubertin, who restarted the Olympics.是法国人皮埃尔•德•顾拜旦重新发起了奥运会。