



n.女伯爵, 伯爵夫人


1. 伯爵夫人; 伯爵未亡人

2. 女伯爵





count |



n.伯爵夫人; 女伯爵



earl  count   countesscountessD.J.:[ˈkauntis]K.K.:[ˈkaʊntɪs]n.
1.翻译:女伯爵;伯爵夫人She's the first countess in that country.她是那个国家的第一位女伯爵。


1.翻译:伯爵夫人(英国指 earl 的妻子, 欧洲大陆指count的妻子)
2.翻译:女伯爵 countess
the wife or widow of a count or earl
翻译:a woman holding the rank of count or earl in her own right
Middle English: from Old French contesse, from late Latin comitissa, feminine of comes (see count)


名词 countess:

female equivalent of a count or earl


1. (Screaming at the Countess) STOP! (Looking away, her hair covering her face) Please stop! Stop.


2. In summer 1944, Lena Countess von Mahlenberg returns from Berlin to her home in East Prussia to resolve a longstanding deep conflict with her dying father.


3. "Ada (named for the countess of Lovelace) was intended to be a common language for use on the department's computers, which were produced by many different manufacturers."

ada (1975):名称取自拉夫累斯女伯爵的名字;原先构想是为该部门产自不同制造公司的众多计算机设计一种共通的程序语言。

4. "His manners are admirable," said the countess, "at least, as far as I could judge in the few minutes he remained here."


5. “You'll come to the fancy dress ball, countess?


6. "I respect your patriotism, Countess," said the Duke;"and the last branch of your theme shall not be impugned by me, till a Burgundian knight shall offer to sustain it with lance in rest.


7. "You are right," said the Countess Isabelle, in her usual manner, "and I, who have the advantage of your unhesitating devotion, have done you foul and ungrateful wrong.


8. "Go, then, and monsieur and I will strive our best to forget your absence," replied the countess, with the same tone of deep feeling.


9. Oh, that's the French ambassador himself,” she said in answer to the countess's inquiry as to the identity of Caulaincourt.


10. "Well, we must put up with that," said the countess, who was herself from one of the oldest venetian families


11. "Oh," said the countess to Franz, "go with all speed--poor young man!


12. ”“The doctor says there is no danger,” said the countess;but as she said it she sighed, and turned her eyes upwards, and this gesture contradicted her words.


13. "Nay, not altogether alone, but with the old Countess, her kinswoman, who hath yielded to her cousin's wishes in this matter.


14. "I will not detain you, monsieur," continued the countess;"I would not have our gratitude become indiscreet or importunate."


15. ”“I am living at Countess Rostov's,” said Boris, again adding: “your excellency.


16. There was a faltering tenderness of voice with which the Countess Isabelle made this admission that at once filled Quentin with a sensation of joy, and cut him to the very heart.


17. "I think I understand you," said the Countess Isabelle.


18. "No," replied the countess, "it was certainly empty during the first act;"


19. “To be sure, he always mislays everything,” said the countess.


20. “Sonya,” said the countess, raising her head from her letter, as her niece passed by her.


21. “Vera,” said the countess to her eldest daughter, unmistakably not her favourite, “how is it you have no notion about anything?


22. "Shall we see you again to give us any information?" inquired the countess


23. "Pray take notice," said the countess, "that my present residence is 22 Rue de Rivoli, and that I am at home to my friends every Saturday evening.


24. “This is my niece,” said the countess, presenting Sonya;“you do not know her, princess?


25. "That is possible," said the countess, reflecting


26. the domain controlled by an earl or count or countess.


27. Not only Sonya's presence, even her favourite Natasha's, even her husband's company, irritated the countess.


28. He spoke mysteriously, too, of splendid women, and was suspected of having once committed himself with a Countess


29. Join Tibor to save his village from the evil countess who bit him and her vampire army!


30. The old coachman Efim, the only one whom the countess could trust to drive her, sat perched up on the box, and did not even look round at what was passing behind him.


31. The Chinese-tennis team made a corporate effort to win countess championships.


32. Figaro the quick-witted valet, Susanna the clever maid, Rosina the sad countess, Cherubino the young page, and the dissolute count, all of them have been immortalized in the history of opera.


33. Lord George Gordon Byron to Countess Teresa Guiccioli


34. That's why Mrs. Mingott felt she ought not to allow this slight on Countess Olenska to pass without consulting you.


35. All the world-wide experience of ages, proving that children do imperceptibly from the cradle grow up into men, did not exist for the countess.


36. Huntingdon, Selina Hastings, Countess of


37. The countess sailed in while they were talking.


38. They talked of the health of the countess, of common acquaintances, of the latest news of the war, and when the ten minutes required by propriety had elapsed, Nikolay got up to say good-bye.


39. He asks your hand,” said the countess, coldly it seemed to Natasha.


40. Still slapping his pockets, he kissed the countess's hand as she came in, and looked round uneasily, evidently expecting Natasha, who had left off singing now, but had not come into the drawing-room.


41. He looked disappointed, and said he didn't remember the countess.


42. ” And saying nothing more to Countess Marya, he went off to the little divan-room, and lay down on the sofa.


43. He was undeniably in pursuit of the Countess Olenska


44. He knew that the Countess Olenska had brought some of her possessions with her-bits of wreckage, she called them.


45. He recognised her, guessed her feelings, saw that it was her debut, remembered what she had said at the window, and with an expression of pleasure on his face he approached Countess Rostov.


46. He was in very good spirits: he had come to terms with the purchaser, and there was nothing now to detain him in Moscow away from his countess, for whom he was pining.


47. " said the Countess Isabelle."I trust she is now under the protection of the Burgundian banner.


48. COUNTESS: No, no, the other one.


49. COUNTESS: Ten fifty-five, the New foundling Home For Orphans. You will preside over the laying of the cornerstone; same speech as last Monday.


50. Terrible as it was to the countess to think that Prince Andrey might (and very probably, too, from what the doctor said) die on the road in her daughter's arms, she could not resist Natasha.


51. The countess shook her head disapprovingly and wrathfully at every solemn expression in the manifesto.


52. The countess never let slip an opportunity for making some cruel or humiliating allusion to Sonya.


53. ” And the countess bent over her reticule to hide her agitated face.


54. The countess had finished her prayers, and was approaching her bed with a stern face, but seeing that Natasha was playing bo-peep with her she smiled her good-natured, weak smile.


55. Countess Cross-stitch business philosophy is: "honor its commitment to provide customers with quality products; care staff so that each piece of gold light.


56. Countess Cross-stitch business goals are: "to promote cross-stitch the price of popular art, so that everyone can create and have such a work of art"! .


57. ”But the countess pushed away her daughter, and went up to the count.


58. The countess and her handsomest eldest daughter were sitting in the drawing-room with their visitors, who came in continual succession to present their congratulations to the elder lady.


59. A meeting had immediately taken place between the Countess and Mr. Rosier.


60. The countess wrote too that Prince Andrey had been among the train of wounded soldiers who had travelled with them.


61. The Countess announced her willingness to undertake this feat .


62. The Countess gave a dozen turns of the head.


63. The countess raised her head and looked intently at her daughter.


64. The countess glanced at her daughter, saw her face full of shame for her mother, saw her emotion, felt why her husband would not look at her now, and looked about her with a distracted air.


65. The countess looked at her guest, smiling affably, but still not disguising the fact that she would not take it at all amiss now if the guest were to get up and go.


66. The countess dropped her eyes, sighing heavily.


67. The countess caressed the child.


68. I will call you,” the countess whispered.


69. The countess had a headache from the noise and bustle, and was lying down in the new divan-room with compresses steeped in vinegar on her head.Petya was not at home;


70. The countess wrote directly to Madame Karagin in Moscow, suggesting to her the marriage of her daughter to her own son, and received a favourable reply from her.


71. The countess got up and went into the reception hall.


72. The young people, at the countess's suggestion, gathered about the clavichord and the harp.


73. COUNTESS: (retrieving the tray) It's alright, dear, it didn't spill.


74. COUNTESS: Ten fifty-five, the Newfoundling Home For Orphans. You will preside over the laying of the cornerstone; same speech as last Monday.


75. COUNTESS: Oh, and your slippers. Please put on your slippers and come away at the window. Your milk and crackers.


76. COUNTESS: Precisely. Eleven forty-five, back here to rest. No, that's wrong... eleven forty-five, conference here with the press.


77. But the Countess extricated her hand at length, and stepping a pace back from the grate, asked Durward, in a very embarrassed tone, what boon he had to ask of her?


78. And mind, don't bring me such torn and dirty notes as last time;nice ones now, for the countess.


79. There were several Frenchmen present, and among them Metivier, who had been a constant visitor at Countess Bezuhov's ever since her arrival in Moscow.


80. History records how falsely the Countess of Shrewsbury acted.
