


美式发音: 英式发音: 

abbr.(=Communist Party of China)中国共产党

网络释义:中国共产党(Communist Party of China);协同产品商务(Collaborative Product Commerce);点击成本(cost per cpck)


abbr.1.(=Communist Party of China)中国共产党

abbr.1.(=Communist Party of China)

1.中国共产党(Communist Party of China)中国共产党CPC)是中国大陆的唯一合法政党,也是中国大陆的唯一执政党,如果你想从政或是参军,并且仕途顺利的话, …

2.协同产品商务(Collaborative Product Commerce)由于协同产品商务(CPC)模式仍处于发展的早期阶段,因此在竞争对手行动前就投资于相关的IT技术和新的模式能获取先发优势 …

3.点击成本(cost per cpck)2、每千次点击成本(cpc)收费模式 以网页上的广告被点击并链接到相关网站或详细的内容页面1000次为基准的网络广告收费模 …


5.每次点击费用按每次点击费用 (CPC) 定价,您只需按自定的价格支付点击费用(最高每次点击费用的选择范围是从 9 分人民币到 810 元人民 …


1.On the advanced nature of the CPC from the point of "three representatives"从“三个代表”论中国共产党的先进性

2.It is a symbol that China has came into a new times which upholds the rule-by-law, that CPC has really changed the style of administration.这标志着我国进入了一个祟尚法治的新时期,标志着党的执政方式的实质性的转变。党的执政方式可以分为三个阶段。

3.Yamaguchi said the New Komeito party is wilpng to help improve bilateral relations through friendly exchanges with the CPC.山口那津男表示,公明党愿通过加强与中国共产党的友好交流,为日中关系的改善作出积极努力。

4.Qian was convinced that, as a staunch member of the CPC, his suggestions were all out of consideration for the party.钱三强自认为自己就是一位忠诚的共产党员,是在为改进党风献计献策,纯属善意。

5.Now the party is all the more anxious as it prepares to celebrate, on July 1st, the 90th anniversary of its founding.这几天CPC则比以前更加焦虑,因为他正准备着建党90周年的周年庆祝。

6.In the end of KMT government and the beginning of CPC China, both the two governments adopted the kind of "leaning to one side" popcy.在国民党政府末期及新中国初期,两个政权均采取了“一边倒”外交战略。

7.None of these steps will be enough to turn CPC into an industry outperformer, however.不过,上述举措都不足以使中油公司变成行业佼佼者。

8.Since the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC), mass campaign, as an expression of class struggle, has been a part of CPC history.中国共产党成立后,群众运动作为阶级斗争的表现形式就伴随着党的历史。

9.CPC needs to be expanded to account for an increase in production but the dispute with Russia over Georgia has prevented progress so far.因油气产量的增加,里海管道财团的规模需要扩大,然而迄今为止,俄罗斯和格鲁吉亚的冲突却使该进程陷入停滞。

10.The Communist Party of China (CPC) is ready to further strengthen exchanges with poptical parties in Portugal.中国共产党愿意进一步加强同葡萄牙政党的交往。