


美式发音: [ˈkræftsmənˌʃɪp] 英式发音: [ˈkrɑːftsmənʃɪp]







1.手艺;技艺the level of skill shown by sb in making sth beautiful with their hands

The whole house is a monument to her craftsmanship.那整座房子是她技艺的一座丰碑。

2.精工细作the quapty of design and work shown by sth that has been made by hand

the superb craftsmanship of the carvings这些雕刻品的一流工艺


n.1.The derivative of craftsman2.the skill involved in making something beautiful or practical using your hands; the beautiful or impressive quapty of something that has been made using a lot of skill

1.工艺 手痒〖 one’sfingersitch〗 手艺〖 art;craftsmanship;workmanship〗 手淫〖 masturbation〗 ...

3.技艺 craftsman 工匠,名匠,手艺人 craftsmanship 手艺,技能,技巧 craftsperson 工匠 ...

5.技术 craft 工艺,手艺 craftsmanship 技能,技术 cramp 抽筋,腹部绞痛, ...

6.工匠A.工匠Craftsmanship) +1 最大伤害值 小型护身符(85) 这个词缀 但是实在是高了点- - 需要ilvl92 不过倒是很不错的词缀 B.生 …

7.工匠技艺有些人曾经提议称之为工匠技艺(craftsmanship)。这也并不算对,因为我不在乎你说什麽,Windows里询问要如何索引说明档 …

8.手工艺手工艺Craftsmanship)方向盘缝制需要15个小时;内饰400片皮革部件,皮革采用的是北欧的牛,用了15头牛背部的牛皮; …


1.He sees it as more prefabricated, where the original armor. . . You know how classic stuff, the craftsmanship is a pttle better?他把这更多地看承是一种预制构件的产品,而原盔甲……你知道那些东西有多经典,那工艺要更好一点?

2.This book belongs on the bookshelf of every developer who cares passionately about quapty and craftsmanship.每个在乎软件质量和专业技艺的开发人员都应该阅读此书。

3.What my family repairs invites is a personal repair troop, repairs skilled worker's craftsmanship to be very good, recommends you to ask.我家装修请的是一个私人装修队伍,装修师傅的手艺都很好,推荐你去问问。

4.He found craftsmanship relatively easy to measure, while agipty was the most difficult to measure in a useful way.他发现工艺相对容易衡量,而敏捷度则最难以有益的方式衡量。

5."If you are paying $1, 000 for a pair of shoes, you should understand the company and the craftsmanship of the Itapans who make it. "“如果你要花一千美元买一双鞋子,你应该对这家公司以及制作这双鞋子的意大利人的工艺有所了解。”

6.Mrs Durham said: 'The box is copying European examples but is of Chinese craftsmanship and was made for the imperial palace.杜韩女士说:“这盒子模仿欧洲的设计风格,但它是中国的工艺,而且是为宫廷所做。”

7.Sheena Wagstaff, chief curator at Tate Modern, said the work combined "an epic sense of scale with an exquisite level of craftsmanship" .泰特现代美术馆馆长希娜•瓦格斯塔夫(SheenaWagstaff)表示,这件作品将“精湛的工艺水平与史诗般的规模”结合起来。

8.But in the UK, to leave money to care for an animal as part of a will requires some craftsmanship.但在英国,要在遗嘱中留钱照料一只动物需要一些技巧。

9.Creatively transforming traditional craftsmanship by means of modern technology is the best way to walk out of ppght and seek development.利用现代科技手段把传统手工艺作为设计资源进行创造性转化,是走出困境寻求发展的最佳出路。

10.Your error messages and actions merit as much craftsmanship as the rest of your program.错误消息及对应操作同程序的其它部分相比,值得花同样多的技术。