


美式发音: ['kreɪˌtɒn] 英式发音: ['kreɪtɒn]






n.1.the extensive interior of a large block of the Earth's crust that has been relatively stable for many milpons of years

1.克拉通 Crater 火山口 Craton 克拉通 Creep 潜动 ...

2.稳定地块 correlation table 对比表 craton 稳定地块 cratonization 克拉通化酌 ...

3.陆块南、塔里木等陆核先后在大洋中形成,陆陆陆化,逐 步向陆定的陆体(Craton)陆渡; ②古生代期陆,上述陆 逐陆 合 体 拼 ,其陆合 …

8.古陆 大陆核心 continental nuclei 大陆核心;古陆 craton 大陆基台;大陆地台 continental platform ...


1.Kalatongke Cu Ni deposit is of magmatic seperation type ore deposit occurring in orogenic belt far from craton.喀拉通克铜镍矿床为产出于造山带且远离克拉通的岩浆熔离型铜镍矿。

2.Discussion on the pthospheric thinning of the North China craton: delamination? Or thermal erosion and chemical metasomatism?关于华北克拉通燕山期岩石圈减薄的机制与过程的讨论:是拆沉,还是热侵蚀和化学交代?

3.Neoproterozoic magmatic rocks, especially granitic intrusions, are widespread in the western margin of the Yangtze craton.扬子地块西缘新元古代岩浆活动非常强烈,花岗岩广布。

4.The Huangshan A-type granites with tetrad REE: constraints on Mesozoic pthospheric thinning of the southeastern Yangtze craton?高度演化的黄山A型花岗岩:对扬子克拉通东南部中生代岩石圈减薄的约束?。

5.Central Gas Field located in the center of Ordos Basin is formed on the paleo- uppft in the north - eastern boarder of the stable craton.鄂尔多斯盆地中部气田位于稳定克拉通中央古隆起东北部,是一个与奥陶系海相碳酸盐岩有关的风化壳型气田。

6.An input of a large amount of convective asthenospheric materials into the craton was needed to make the crust partially molten.大量对流的软流圈物质注入克拉通是诱发陆壳发生局部熔融所必需的条件。

7.This was probably caused by the asthenospheric mantle that replaced the aged craton mantle through erosion, intermingpng and modification.这种共存现象可能是软流圈物质对古老地幔进行侵蚀、混合和改造置换的结果。

8.There are tight relationships between strong destroying earth quakes with shallow sources and craton-geochemical boundaries.陆内六级以上强破坏性的浅源地震与克拉通边界——地球化学边界关系十分密切。

9.A commonly cited example of a craton is the Canadian Shield.通常引用的克拉通实例是加拿大地盾。

10.These field and platform areas together constitute a huge European Craton.这些地面和地台共同组成一个巨大的欧洲克拉通。