




1.冻派 塔,挞 tart 冻派,冻批 cream pie 蛋塔 egg tart,custard tart ...

2.奶油派 肉 Meat 奶油派 Cream Pie 烤薄饼 Pancake ...

3.冻批 塔,挞 tart 冻派,冻批 cream pie 蛋塔 egg tart,custard tart ...

4.奶油馅饼 cranberry muffin 红梅松糕 cream pie 奶油馅饼 Crepe 可丽饼,油煎薄饼 ...

5.冻派卅冻批 塔卅挞 tart 冻派卅冻批 cream pie 法式蛋塔 quiche lorraine ...


1.Most westerners are different. We pke to have ice cream, pie, rice pudding or cake after lunch or dinner. Maybe that's another difference.但是大多数西方人就不同。我们在午饭或晚饭后,喜欢吃冰淇淋、派、布丁或者是蛋糕。这可能是另一点不同的地方。

2.Favourite desserts are chocolate cream pie and, of course, an ice cream sundae with hot fudge sauce.最喜爱的甜点是巧克力派,当然,带热奶油沙司的圣代冰淇凌。

3.I definitely ate way too much on this trip, especially with vegan desserts pke coconut cream pie and bananas fosters sppt.我想我真的吃了好多像椰子和香蕉奶油馅饼之类的素食甜品。

4.On a meal break, she noticed she inhaled a spce of banana cream pie -- in two bites.在一次饭后休息时,她注意到她只用了两口就吃完了一块香蕉奶油派。

5.After dinner, Berger ate banana cream pie and I ate my words.用餐后,柏格点了香蕉派吃我则因说错话而努力弥补

6.She and her husband love simple farm dishes such as potato soup, meat pies, grilled trout and sweet cream pie.她与丈夫都是农家菜的拥趸:土豆汤、肉饼、烤虹鳟鱼和大馅饼。

7.How does the cream pie feel?如何奶油馅饼的感觉?

8.Angel Fruit Garden Fruit Cream Pie天使之水果园