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网络释义:促肾上腺皮质激素释放激素(corticotropin releasing hormone);临界相对湿度(critical relative humidity);中国铁路高速



1.促肾上腺皮质激素释放激素(corticotropin releasing hormone)5. 促肾上腺皮质激素释放激素(CRH)兴奋试验:静脉注射合成的羊或人CRH 1g/kg或100g,于用药前(0min)和用药后每隔15分 …

2.临界相对湿度(critical relative humidity)1)临界相对湿度CRH)的概念: 当相对湿度提高到某一定值时,粉体的吸湿量急剧增加,此时的相对湿度即为CRH。CRH …

3.中国铁路高速并非所有中国高速列车都属于中国铁路高速CRH)系列,一些未被包含在本条目的高速列车,请见「中国动车组列表」。参 …


5.促肾上皮质激素释放激素促肾上皮质激素释放激素(CRH)检测试剂盒RAT 促肾上腺皮质激素(ACTH)检测试剂盒 1XPBS缓冲液粉末 PeproTech重组蛋白 …

6.中国高速铁路的中国高速铁路(CRH) "可作参考案例。  读读国外的科技新闻,就会发现记者们的报道要平实和准确得多,只需要简单说明某某 …


1.You know, from shanghai to Hangzhou, it is really convenient to go by CRH (china railway highspeed), namely, the inter-city express.你知道,坐和谐号城际特快列车,从上海去那里很方便。

2.The CRH concentration in maternal plasma increases exponentially with advancing gestation and controls the length of human pregnancy.母体血浆CRH的水平随着孕周升高,分娩前达到高峰,且与孕周长短呈正相关。

3.I stayed with him whenever I wasn't on the road and needed a place to crh.没在外面奔波需要地方待的时候我都和他住在一起。

4.The quapty of communication decreases significantly in high-speed railway carriages due to the CRH tightness, fast fading, and high speed.铁路提速后,由于CRH车体密封性好、损耗高,列车速度快等原因,车厢内通信质量明显下降。

5.The marker is an elevated level of the hypothalamic hormone corticotropin -releasing hormone (CRH) during the 25th week of pregnancy.这种标志是怀孕25周水平陡增的下丘脑激素促肾上腺皮质素释放激素(CRH)。

6.OBJECTIVE: To determine the critical relative humidity(CRH) of Compound Pyrola capsules.目的:测定复方鹿衔草胶囊临界相对湿度(CRH)。

7.A pkely culprit was a small peptide called CRH that is released in a part of the brain associated with stress and anxiety.一个很有可能的“犯罪分子”是一个被称为“CRH”的短肽,这种短肽会被释放到大脑中和压力与焦虑相关的区域。

8.Though our government has gradually relaxed the restrictions on the sale of CRH, their practical effects are not satisfactory.虽然国家逐步放宽对动车组销售的限制,但实际运作效果还有待进一步提升。

9.The migration assay data showed that CRH treatment increased the level of B16F10 cell migration in a dose- and time-dependent manner.移民法的数据显示,CRH的待遇提高了B16F10细胞迁移的剂量和时间依赖性。

10.In this study, we aimed to identify the regulatory effect of estrogen receptor (ER) on CRH and the underlying mechanism.我们的目标是确定雌激素受体对CRH基因的调控作用并对其内在机制进行分析。