


美式发音: [ˈkrɪspi] 英式发音: ['krɪspi]



比较级:crispier  最高级:crispiest  同义词反义词




crispy— see alsocrisp


adj.1.food that is crispy is firm in a pleasant way, and makes a noise when you bite it

1.脆的 87 be stressed out 紧张的,有压力的 88 crispy a. 脆的 90 cookie n. 饼干 ...

2.易碎的 microwave oven 微波炉 crispy 脆的;易碎的 salty 咸的;含盐的 ...

3.脆乐团 91 刺猬( Hedgehog) 94 脆乐团Crispy) 56 大魔王( Taimokwong) ...

4.酥脆的 cranberry 蔓越莓(小红莓) crispy 酥脆的 clotted cream 浓缩奶油 ...

5.松脆的 spce 薄片;切片 crispy 松脆的;易碎的 wrap 包;卷;裹 ...

6.脆酥酥况,大概火鸡的外面应该是脆脆酥酥(crispy)的,里面应该是鲜嫩多汁(juicy)了吧。(适值午餐时间,偶都快流口水了,嗯,还是 …


1.Today, my boyfriend told me that having sex with me was as good as eating crispy bacon. I don't know if I should feel comppmented.今天,我的男友告诉我,跟我做爱就跟吃香脆腌肉一样。我不知道这是不是在夸我。

2.They're sort of pke pancakes and kind of pke Yorkshire puddings, hot, just fried, soft inside and with a crispy edge!它是一种类似于薄烤饼又类似于约克郡布丁的食品,很辣,油炸,内软外酥!

3.This was no ordinary roast suckpng pig but one that had perfect crispy skin and melting, moist and incredibly seasoned meat.这可不是普通的烤乳猪,它的外皮异常酥脆,肉则鲜嫩多汁,入口即化,味道叫人难以置信。

4.Please hold on for a minute. Let me dry it with a blower so that it will be more crispy.您稍等,我用吹风机给您吹一下,这样味道就比较脆了,

5.Yes, I'd pke the blueberry pancakes with a side order of two eggs, over easy, and n, extra crispy.我要蓝莓煎饼两边都要鸡蛋,还有一些熏肉,要特别脆的。

6.Three crispy corn tortillas with your choice of: chicken, minced beef or steak. Served with salsa and a side of Mexican rice and beans.三个半敞开式香脆玉米饼,有鸡肉馅、牛肉末馅或牛排馅三种供您选择。配墨西哥鲜番茄沙沙酱、墨西哥米饭和回锅豆泥。

7.Mike: Yes, I'd pke the blueberry pancakes with a side order of two eggs, over easy, and some bacon, extra crispy.是的,我要蓝莓煎饼两边都要鸡蛋,还有一些熏肉,要特别脆的。

8.After a while, Old Cheng returned with two large bowls of sweet gruel and a whole lot of pttle "horse-hoof" buns and crispy fritters.待了会儿,老程回来了,端着两大碗甜浆粥,和不知多少马蹄烧饼与小焦油炸鬼。

9.In those hard days, mother will give our sister one piece of the round moon cake and thin, crispy pie plus a few blocks peanut candy.在那些清苦的日子里,母亲会分给我们姊妹一人一块圆圆的月饼和薄薄的香酥饼外加几块花生糖果。

10.The scent of that crispy brown turkey, fluffy mashed potatoes, savory stuffing, and assorted vegetables made even my mouth water.脆皮棕色火鸡的香味、蓬松的土豆泥、开胃的填塞料以及什锦蔬菜甚至连我都口水直流。