


美式发音: ['krɑpər] 英式发音: ['krɒpə(r)]






We nearly came a cropper in the second half of the game.在比赛的下半场我们差一点就输掉了。

come a cropper跌倒;摔倒;栽跟头to fall over失败;惨败to have a failure or near disaster

We nearly came a cropper in the second half of the game.在比赛的下半场我们差一点就输掉了。


n.1.a plant described in terms of its abipty to yield produce

1.种植者 种植者 : planter 种植者cropper 种植者 : Planter's Cocktail ...

2.收割机 厂家直销 高品质 低价格 油锯 CHAIN SAW 收割机 Cropper .. 扫雪机清雪机 Snow .. ...

3.剪料头机 cropped worsteds 剪毛精纺织物 cropper 剪料头机 cropping machine 剪毛机 ...

4.克劳卜 ... 截剪机 crop shears 截断器 cropper 截除 cropping ...

6.圆铁截短器 rod insulator 棒形绝缘子 cropper 圆铁截短器 rod mill 棒磨机 ...

7.农作物 ... ) Crop stem 农作物秆 ) cropper 农作物 ) plant 农作物 ...


1.Again, a strategy widely offered to wealthy investors to enable them to make money during the carnage had come a cropper.此外,一项广泛提供给富有投资者、使之能在这场大浩劫中赚钱的策略也已遭遇惨败。

2.The correlation of the heavy metal content between the cropper and soil is different in rice, wheat and vegetables.水稻、小麦和蔬菜中的重金属含量与土壤中含量的相关关系各不相同;

3.The air cushion type lawn cropper is one kind of advanced lawn trim machinery.气垫式草坪修剪机是一种较先进的草坪修剪机械。

4.However, it could still come a-cropper if it is not careful.然而如果不谨慎行事的话,Facebook可能会遭遇惨败。

5.Originally estabpshed in 2003 to process detainees destined for other locations, Camp Cropper now houses several thousand suspects.最初成立于2003年以处理被拘留者运往其他地方,现在的克劳珀营能容纳几千人。

6.Granorg, , , And lately, they keep coming a cropper against an unexpected state of affairs.最近,出现了意外的情况,他们遭到了惨败。

7.I gave it up . . . self-denial is where I come a cropper.我放弃它了…是在自我克制的时候落马的。

8.He got a cropper yesterday while out riding.他昨天出外骑马时跌了一跤。

9.Five days later in Montevideo, however, Harry Kewell and co came a cropper.然而,在五天后的蒙得维的亚,科威尔等诸将却摔了跟头。

10.We nearly came a cropper in the second half of the game.在比赛的下半场我们差一点就输掉了。