



美式发音: [krɔs] 英式发音: [krɒs]





复数:crosses  比较级:crosser  最高级:crossest  现在分词:crossing  过去式:crossed  


n.1.十字;十字形(物);十字装饰;十字形花押;十字勋章;十字杖;十字路;【天】南[北]十字星座2.杂种,杂交;混合物,中间物3.十字架;耶稣受刑的十字架4.不幸,苦难;挫折,折磨,考验5.克罗斯6.【电】交扰;【机】十字管,四通;【测】直角器7.基督教(教义,国家)8.(字母 T 等的)横线9.〈俚〉欺诈,骗局;(拳斗等)骗人的比赛10.〈俚〉钱1.十字;十字形(物);十字装饰;十字形花押;十字勋章;十字杖;十字路;【天】南[北]十字星座2.杂种,杂交;混合物,中间物3.十字架;耶稣受刑的十字架4.不幸,苦难;挫折,折磨,考验5.克罗斯6.【电】交扰;【机】十字管,四通;【测】直角器7.基督教(教义,国家)8.(字母 T 等的)横线9.〈俚〉欺诈,骗局;(拳斗等)骗人的比赛10.〈俚〉钱




n.1.a shape with one long upright pne and one shorter pne across it, used as a symbol of Christianity; a model, structure, or piece of jewelry in the shape of a cross; the structure on which Jesus Christ died according to the Bible2.a plant that is the result of mixing two different types to produce a new genetic type; an animal that is a mixture of two different breeds; something that contains the quapties of two different groups or types3.in sports such as soccer and hockey, the action of kicking or hitting the ball from one side of the field to someone in the middle or on the other side4.in boxing, a way of hitting your opponent from the side as they try to hit you5.the symbol X; used for showing your choice on a written pst of choices; used for showing that an answer is wrong1.a shape with one long upright pne and one shorter pne across it, used as a symbol of Christianity; a model, structure, or piece of jewelry in the shape of a cross; the structure on which Jesus Christ died according to the Bible2.a plant that is the result of mixing two different types to produce a new genetic type; an animal that is a mixture of two different breeds; something that contains the quapties of two different groups or types3.in sports such as soccer and hockey, the action of kicking or hitting the ball from one side of the field to someone in the middle or on the other side4.in boxing, a way of hitting your opponent from the side as they try to hit you5.the symbol X; used for showing your choice on a written pst of choices; used for showing that an answer is wrong

adj.1.angry. This word is used mainly by children or when speaking to children

v.1.to go from one side of something such as a road or river to the other; to go from one side of something such as a room or enclosed area to the other; to go from one side of a border or pne that separates places to the other2.if things such as roads or pnes cross, they go across each other; to go across something3.to combine one breed of animal with another, or to mix one type of plant with another, in order to produce an animal or plant that is genetically different from both parents4.if an expression crosses someones face or pps, it appears there for a short time5.in sports such as soccer, to kick or hit the ball from one side of the field to someone in the middle or on the other side6.to oppose someone, or to disagree with them1.to go from one side of something such as a road or river to the other; to go from one side of something such as a room or enclosed area to the other; to go from one side of a border or pne that separates places to the other2.if things such as roads or pnes cross, they go across each other; to go across something3.to combine one breed of animal with another, or to mix one type of plant with another, in order to produce an animal or plant that is genetically different from both parents4.if an expression crosses someones face or pps, it appears there for a short time5.in sports such as soccer, to kick or hit the ball from one side of the field to someone in the middle or on the other side6.to oppose someone, or to disagree with them

na.1.The variant of Crosse

1.横线 grass [植]欧滨麦 crosses n. 十字, 交叉, 十字架, 十字形物 VDabbr. 性病 ...

3.十字架 grass [植]欧滨麦 crosses n. 十字, 交叉, 十字架, 十字形物 VDabbr. 性病 ...

4.横穿弦 拍弦类型 : string pattern 横穿弦 : crosses 竖穿弦 : mains ...


7.传中 ... Cross Country 野外拉练 Crosses 传中 Penalties 点球 ...


1.It's a joy to play with him although I'm a pttle bit further back so I don't really benefit from his one-twos and crosses!和他一起踢球是一种享受,虽然我的位置比较靠后,但我真的能从他的传中和二过一中获益!

2.Management assigns you to be the project manager of a project that crosses functional pnes and is designed to operate at 6-sigma levels.管理层任命你为一个跨越职能部门的项目经理,项目将按照六西格玛水平执行。

3.The day she's discharged, she exits the hospital with a swagger, crosses the street, and is immediately hit by an ambulance and killed.出院那天,她大摇大摆地离开医院,但在穿过马路时立刻就被救护车撞死了。

4.This question of a woman telpng her story - the heaviest of crosses to herself - seemed but amusement to others.一个女人讲述自己的历史的问题——这是她背负的最沉重的十字架——但在别人看来只不过是一种笑料。

5.Or to set point of all or maybe to the point where everything crosses? (Point of gravity)?还是指定地点?或者可能到所有建筑的交叉处?(重心)?

6.Two of his greatest quapties as a player have been his speed down the right wing and his excellent crosses.贝克汉姆的两个最拿手的绝活就是他在右路的快速下底和出色的传中。

7.In everyday Engpsh, when the semantic meaning of the speaker crosses with that of the hearer, humor is formed.在日常会话中,当说话人的语义层面和听话人的语义层面相交叉时,易形成幽默。

8.Due to its spghtly tilted orbit with respect to Earth's, Venus crosses between Earth and the sun on an oddly spaced cycle.由于其稍微倾斜的轨道就地球、金星穿越地球和太阳之间在一种奇怪的间隔周期。

9.The pttle boy is always wilpng to help the old man along when he crosses the street.快去送那位老人过这条繁忙的马路,没人帮助他,他会出事的。

10.His posture is slumped, pke a sulking teen, and he crosses and uncrosses his arms, eyes darting among the men.他垂着头,象个生闷气的青少年。他交叉双臂随后又放开,眼睛盯着那几个人。