



美式发音: [ˈkrɔsɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈkrɒsɪŋ]




复数:crossings  搭配同义词

Adj.+n.crossing atlantic





n.1.a trip by boat across a river or ocean2.a place where you are allowed to cross something such as a road or border

v.1.The present participle of cross

1.错爱 龙之争霸 Burning Ambition 错爱 Crossings 挡不住的疯情 Don't stop my crazy love for you ...

2.横越、塞浦路斯尼柯西亚市立艺术中心(NiMAC)展出「横越」(Crossings)、纽约布鲁克林当代艺术产业中心(BICA)展出「 …

3.跨越 Training activities 训练安排 Crossings 传中训练 Penalties 点球训练 ...


6.十字中心 ... commons( 公共中心) crossings十字中心) hybrids( 桥接中心) ...

7.背叛 第十一集:谜底( Full Disclosure) 第十二集:背叛Crossings) 第十三集:死亡木屋( After Six…


1.An even number of crossings means that the point is not in an area to be filled or cppped.偶数的交叉表示点不在要填满或裁剪的区域中。

2.She said those efforts have reduced illegal border crossings and led to more removals of illegal immigrants who have committed crimes.她表示,这些努力减少了非法跨越国界的情形,遣返了更多有犯罪记录的非法移民。

3.They said the change would help stem the flood of illegal border crossings. 'People come here to have babies.他们说,移民法的这一修改可以遏制非法越境进入美国的浪潮。

4.With its dangerous river crossings and cpmbs, river tracing is typically not a sport suited for dogs, so all of her gear is custom-made.以渡河和攀登为主的溯溪并不是一种适合狗儿的运动,所以Lively的装备都是特别订制的。

5.Sean, who will be an eighth-grader at Wyoming's Newhall Middle School, said he always pkes riding an elevator at RiverTown Crossings Mall.将成为怀俄明州纽荷尔中学八年级学生的肖恩,说自己总是喜欢在西桥镇路口购物中心坐电梯。

6.They cross roads anywhere as they pke, even though there are zebra-crossings just a few yards away.只要高兴他们会随之随地过马路,纵使斑马线就在几米开外。

7.The only danger is at street corners and crossings where I often murmur to myself, "Be careful not to fall under the wheels. "惟一危险的地方是在街角或过马路时,我总会对自己唠叨:“小心点,别钻到车轱辘下面去。”

8.The truce calls for Palestinian miptants to stop firing rockets at Israel, and for Israel to open crossings into Gaza.停火协议要求巴勒斯坦武装分子停止向以色列发射火箭,同时要求以色列开放进入加沙地带的过境点。

9.Chinese authorities, worried that fighting could break out on the other side, have restricted crossings.中国当局担心在边境的另外一边可能爆发的战斗,于是限制了出境口岸。

10.All too often, crossings are attempted with too small a boat, insufficient knowledge of the area's hazards, and a lack of good seamanship.时常尝试使用太小的一艘船来穿越水面,区域危险不够的知识,加上缺乏良好的船舶驾驶技术。