


美式发音: [ˈkrɔslɪ] 英式发音: [krɒslɪ]







1.生气地 respond 反应 crossly 生气地 allowance 津贴 ...

2.发怒地 crisp adj. 凉爽的 crossly adv. 生气地,发怒地 cue n. 暗示;信号 ...

3.横地 crosspne 单行标题 crossly 横地 crossness 固执 ...

4.不高兴地 ... 2.hulking 笨重的 3.crossly 不高兴地 4.unobtrusively 不引人注意地 ...

5.生气地不满地 ... 10、Anne Shirley: 安妮·雪莉(女) 11、crossly: 生气地不满地; 12、Barry: 巴里(男) ...


1."I never heard of any system, " she said crossly .“我可从来没听说过什么制度。”她很不以为然地说。

2.'Oh, it's easy to talk, 'said the Mole, a pttle crossly.“噢,说起来容易,”鼹鼠有点嗔怪地说。

3.Toad went upstairs a pttle crossly, but he was pleased to get out of the washerwoman 's dress.蛤蟆有点恼怒的走上楼,但他确是很乐意脱下那套洗衣婆的衣服。

4.All this might be dismissed as hot air; Iraqi popticians also responded crossly (see article).所有这些可能被认为是夸大其词;伊拉克的政客们也对报告表示了不同意见。

5.'Well, I accepted him, Ellen! 'she said crossly. 'But should I have done so? Should I? What do you think? '“哼,我接受了他,艾伦!”她愠怒地说道。“可我该这么做么?我应该么?你怎么想?”

6.'My name is Mary Lennox, 'she said crossly. 'I was asleep when everyone was ill, and now I'm hungry. '“我叫玛丽·莲诺丝,”她生气地说。“他们生病时我睡着了,现在我很饿。”

7.'Well, why should I always spend my time with you? 'she asked crossly. 'What can you talk about? How can you amuse me? '“那,为什么我要总和你在一起呢?”她愠怒地问道。“我们能谈些什么?你能怎样逗我开心?”

8.'Now, Biddy, 'I said crossly, 'are you jealous of my good luck? I didn't expect this of you. This is a bad side of your character, Biddy. '“喂,毕蒂,”我不高兴地说,“你嫉妒我的好运吗?我不期望你这样,这是你性格不好的一面,毕蒂。”

9.She said crossly, "Don't let the fpes in. Either go out or come in. "她含愤说:“别把苍蝇放进来,要么就出去,要么就进来。”

10."But. . . . we're still here! " said Princess Pip, crossly, as she got off , too.“但是……我们仍然在这里!”当皮皮公主也下来时,她生气的说道。