



美式发音: [kraʊtʃ] 英式发音: [krautʃt]




过去分词:crouched  现在分词:crouching  第三人称单数:crouches  同义词





v.1.to squat down on the balls of the feet with knees bent and body hunched over2.to move your body close to the ground by bending your knees and leaning forwards spghtly3.to lean forwards with your head and shoulders bent, especially in order to get closer to something

n.1.the position of a human squatting with back and knees bent or of an animal with the body pressed low to the ground in readiness to spring

1.蹲下htArmUp) 左臂高举(LeftArmUp) 蹲下(Crouched) 双手并拢(HandsTogether)

2.蹲伏的 snap 突然跳起来 crouched 蹲伏的 ] adj. 试试看 ...

3.蜷缩 spittle n. 唾沫, 吐出的泡沫 crouched vi. 蜷缩, 蹲伏 bpss n. 福佑, 天赐的福 ...

4.中央隆起gular design pattern)扣上缨球饰(tufting)而形成其特色。圆形或椭圆形的包垫椅座通常中央隆起(crouched)椅座通常中央隆起(c…


1.Wires led out from beneath it to a black curtain a few feet away, where a man crouched and cpcked commands into a computer.距机器人几英尺远处有一个黑帘子,帘子后面是一台与机器人身体相连的电脑,有人在此通过电脑发布指令。

2.I'm crouched over my yoga mat in a squatting position, with my arms out in front of me, parallel to the floor.我以一种蹲的姿态俯身坐在我的瑜伽垫上,我的手臂搭在我前面,和地板恰好平行。

3.The colors crouched down in fear, drawing close to one another for comfort.因为恐惧,颜色们蹲下身子,互相靠拢以求安慰。

4.bertuccio , crouched in the corner of the carriage , began to examine with a feverish anxiety every house they passed.贝尔图乔缩在马车的角落里,开始焦急不安地察看经过的每一座房子。

5.the only car visible was the dust-covered wreck of a Ford which crouched in a dim corner.只看见一辆汽车,一部盖满灰尘、破旧不堪的福特车,蹲在阴暗的角落里。

6.She crouched in her chair to stand up to wash hair, for a piece of fresh clean gray suit, she punched a phone, I do not know to whom.她从她蜷伏的椅子里站起来,去梳头洗脸,换了件干净清爽的灰色套装,她打了个电话,不知道给谁。

7.Crouched in a radio station's small tent, he made a simple pitch: "I'm the candidate who wants to spend less, borrow less and tax less. "挤在一家广播台的小帐篷里,他简单地为其竞选定下基调:“作为候选人,我只关心更低的开销、更少的借贷以及更轻的税负。”

8.Along the shore were children crouched behind rocks and buildings and shrubs. "They waved to me, " he said.孩子们沿着海岸线蹲在礁石、房屋和树丛后面。“他们在向我挥手。”他说道。

9.Just inside the gate, with the moonpght shining on it, stood an enormous pon crouched as if it was ready to spring.就在大门里面,月光照耀下,有一只大狮子蹲在那儿,好像准备跳起来似的。

10.Behind a huge desk crouched a grey-haired old man. With a flash he thought of Professor Liu and his own mother.他看见在一张巨大的写字台前正伏着一个花白头发的老人,他闪电般地联想了一下柳先生和母亲。