




1.聚集在一起的很多人 ... [retinue;member of one's suite] 从人,随从的人 [crowd of people] 聚集在一起的很多人 ...

2.人丛 人从[ retinue;member of one's suite] 人丛[ crowd of people] 人大[ the National Peoples Congress] ...



1.You can never find him in such a large crowd of people . - You're looking for a needle in a haystack.在这么大群人里你不可能找到他,你简直是在大海捞针。

2.Well, it's not as if I'm planning to murder a crowd of people with a machine gun.噢,情况并不像我在计划用机关枪杀一大群人似的。

3.It was the last day of the year and a large crowd of people had gathered under the Town Hall clock.那是一年的最后一天,一大群人聚集在市政厅的大钟下面。

4.Before the hearing began, a crowd of people pned the hall and around the corner to hear her speak.在听证会开始前,许多人在大厅以及角落站立,听Kidman发言。

5.Who else might be attracted to this crowd of people who have come together and are exuding such strong emotions, thoughts and memories?还有其他什么东西会被这些聚在一起并散发如此强烈感情,思想和记忆的人们所吸引呢?

6.there the best bands played and the best food was cooked; a crowd of people sat down to table, and all was fun and merry-making.那里有最好的乐队和最好的食物,一大群人聚集在桌子旁边,所有人都兴高采烈,乐不可支。

7.And judging by the crowd of people that are out here, you know, you have to feel it's a safe place to eat.通过水泄不通的食客来看,你会感觉到在这里吃东西很安全。

8.Then he went away, leaving the man standing in the street with his tongue hanging out. . . and a large crowd of people laughing at him.然后他就离开了,留下那个男子站在大街上,舌头伸出来,一大群人都在嘲笑他。

9.After his call, a popce car arrived in Broughton to reports of a dispute between a crowd of people and a Google Street View contractor.之后,一辆警车抵达布劳顿村,来处理民众与谷歌街景拍摄承包车之间的争执。

10.I was very surprised to suddenly find myself on the floor, in the dark, with a crowd of people surrounding me.当我突然发现自己躺在地板上,在黑暗里,一群人围着我的时候,非常吃惊。