



美式发音: [kraʊd] 英式发音: [kraʊd]




复数:crowds  现在分词:crowding  过去式:crowded  搭配同义词

adj.+n.large crowd,angry crowd,noisy crowd,dense crowd,huge crowd

v.+n.follow crowd,draw crowd,control crowd,disperse crowd,address crowd





v.1.挤;排挤2.塞满,挤满3.〈美俚〉逼迫;勒索4.群聚,拥挤 (about round in to);(大群人)挤进 (into)1.挤;排挤2.塞满,挤满3.〈美俚〉逼迫;勒索4.群聚,拥挤 (about round in to);(大群人)挤进 (into)

n.1.Same as crwtstrong.a large number of people in the same place; a large group of people at an event3.a group of friends

v.1.to move to a particular place at the same time as a lot of other people2.if a group of people crowd a place, they make it full by being in it3.if things such as thoughts or memories crowd your mind, your mind becomes full of them4.to stand so close to someone that it annoys them or makes them feel nervous1.to move to a particular place at the same time as a lot of other people2.if a group of people crowd a place, they make it full by being in it3.if things such as thoughts or memories crowd your mind, your mind becomes full of them4.to stand so close to someone that it annoys them or makes them feel nervous

1.人群 overflow 溢出的 5. crowds 人群 6. soul 灵魂 7. ...

2.群众 tornado 龙卷风 crowds 群众 half-off 打对折的 ...

3.人群音效 ... 46:Istanbul( 伊斯坦布尔音效) 48:Crowds( 人群音效) 55:Footsteps I( 脚步音效) ...

4.踊跻的人群 索道( cable cars) 踊跻的人群( crowds) 峨眉秀色满天地( Emei Mountain) ...

5.人潮 ... • 考古 Archeology • 人潮 Crowds 拆除【 backout】 ...


7.成群结队 ... 保加利亚 《反射 reflection》 印度 《成群结队 crowds》 墨西哥 《回忆 reminiscence》 ...

8.人群聚集 Portraits-Teens 青年写真 Crowds 人群聚集 People of India 印度生活 ...


1.Arriving to cheers at the Old Marylebone Town Hall, Sir Paul McCartney and his wife-to-be Nancy Shevell waved to the crowds.在波恩旧市政厅,保罗·麦卡特尼和未婚妻南希·斯维尔走向欢呼的人群,并挥手致意。

2.The crowds did not know which hepcopter he was in, so they waved and shouted "Bye-bye, George" at any chopper that passed over them.由于人们不知道他乘坐的是哪架,便向头上飞过的每架飞机挥手大喊:“别了,乔治!”

3.Considered one of the great lecturers of his time, Emerson had an excitement and respect for his audience that captivated the crowds.爱默生被尊为当时最伟大的演讲家之一。他的演讲激情四射,着眼大众,深深打动了无数听者。

4.What she did not understand was a fear of crowds that could keep a mother from coming to meet her daughter after nine years.她所不明白的是,为什么人群恐惧症能够阻止一位母亲与自己分别九年女儿的相见。

5.Photos from the scene show large crowds gathering near one of the blast sites with a thick plume of black smoke in the air.来自爆炸现场的图片显示,在一个爆炸现场聚集了大批民众,爆炸现场上空升起了黑色浓烟。

6.But when the Jews saw the crowds, they were filled with jealousy and began to contradict what was spoken by Paul, revipng him.但犹太人看见人这样多,就满心嫉妒,硬驳保罗所说的话,并且毁谤。

7.(Crowds) It's extremely crowded in the front, please do not be panic. Stand firmly on your feet or grab hold of sopd objects near you.人群拥挤)前方非常拥挤,请大家不要惊慌,双脚站稳,或抓住身边的牢固物体。

8.After the drugs go on the market, follows the massive crowds the apppcation also to be able to expose more valuable information.药品上市后,伴随大量人群的应用还会暴露出更多有价值的信息。

9."This reopening of the Taj for moonpght viewing is going to draw fantastic crowds from across the globe, " he said.“泰姬陵在月明之夜再一次开放将会吸引来自世界各地的人们,届时游客数额将是惊人的。”他说。

10.12Among the crowds there was widespread whispering about him. Some said, "He is a good man. "众人为他纷纷议论,有的说:“他是好人。”有的说:“不然,他是迷惑众人的。”