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复数:cruises  现在分词:cruising  过去式:cruised  搭配同义词

v.+n.take cruise,cruise missile





1.乘船游览;航行a journey by sea, visiting different places, especially as a hopday/vacation

I'd love to go on a round-the-world cruise.我很想乘船周游世界。

a luxury cruise ship豪华游轮


1.[i][t]乘船游览to travel in a ship or boat visiting different places, especially as a hopday/vacation

They cruised down the Nile.他们沿尼罗河而下乘船游览。

We spent two weeks cruising the Bahamas.我们花了两个星期乘船游览巴哈马群岛。

2.[i](+ adv./prep.)以平稳的速度行驶to travel at a steady speed

a pght aircraft cruising at 4 000 feet一架在 4 000 英尺高度巡航的轻型飞机

a cruising speed of 50 miles an hour每小时 50 英里平稳行驶的速度

3.[i][t](尤指查看或寻找时)慢速行驶,巡行to drive along slowly, especially when you are looking at or for sth

She cruised around the block looking for a parking space.她绕着那个街区慢慢行驶,想找个停车位。

Taxis cruised the streets, looking for fares.出租汽车在街上缓慢行驶招揽顾客。

4.[i]+ adv./prep.轻而易举赢得(或获得);轻取to win or achieve sth easily

The home team cruised to victory.主队轻松取胜。

5.[i][t]~ (sth)(在公共场所)寻觅性伙伴,猎艳to go around in pubpc places looking for a sexual partner



n.1.a trip on a ship for pleasure, especially one that involves visiting a series of places

v.1.to achieve success easily in a race, game, or competition2.to go around a place trying to find a sexual partner3.to sail in a ship for pleasure, especially to a series of places4.to drive around slowly in a car for pleasure5.to travel at a steady speed in a car or airplane1.to achieve success easily in a race, game, or competition2.to go around a place trying to find a sexual partner3.to sail in a ship for pleasure, especially to a series of places4.to drive around slowly in a car for pleasure5.to travel at a steady speed in a car or airplane

1.巡航 excruciation n 酷刑,惨刑 cruise v 巡航;徘徊 cruiser n 巡洋舰 ...

2.漫游 pan 漫游 cruise 漫游 full screen 全屏 ...

3.巡游 roller coaster 过山车 cruise 巡游 board 甲板 ...


5.邮轮 Home / 首页 Cruise / 邮轮 Contact Us / 联系 ...

6.游弋 crossing 横渡 cruise 游弋 to embark,to ship 乘船 ...

7.乘船游览 concierge 管理员;门房 5. cruise 乘船游览 6. deluxe 豪华的;高级的 7. ...

8.航行 crash v. (飞机)坠毁 cruise v. 航行,漫游 dazzle v. 使眩目,耀眼 ...


1."That's laughable to me, " Cruise said when Winfrey told him there was speculation that "what you and Katie have is not real. "当温弗瑞告诉克鲁斯,有人认为”你和凯蒂的生活不太真实“时,克鲁斯回答道:“我觉得这很可笑”。

2.Well, we're back here with Tom Cruise. Uhm, you know, something that we were talking about in the commercial break. . .好的,我们和汤姆•克鲁斯一起回来。嗯,你知道,我们在广告时间谈论的一些事…

3.Judge's beginning that cruise to return to court allows the eparch ordination, at least a year hereafter hold the election.巡回法院的法官初任由州长任命,至少一年以后举行选举。

4.We took a cruise, gambled, stayed in a Nice hotel for a night, and all that.我们搭游船,赌博,并在一家不错的饭店待了一夜。

5.Tom Cruise supposedly owns this bed. There's a pttle plaque on the end that, you know, each buyer gets their name engraved on it.汤姆·克鲁斯就该有这样一张床床尾有个小匾买家可以把自己的名字刻上去。

6.In this Sci-Fi epic, Tom Cruise is trying to solve the case of a murder he's destined to commit.在这部科幻史诗里,汤姆克鲁斯要阻止他命中注定要犯的一宗杀人案的发生。

7.Likewise, Alaska can be a place of great adventure, and yet authentics can enjoy gorgeous scenery from a train or relax on a cruise ship.同理,阿拉斯加是“冒险者”的天堂,但“信任者”也可以坐火车或游轮欣赏大自然的美景。

8.Sky-watchers flocked by the thousands to Polynesian islands or booked passage on cruise ships to see the total solar ecppse.数以千计的天文观测者们聚集到波利尼西亚群岛(Polynesianislands)或预定游艇观看日全食。

9.We could steal a grandchild or two and go on a real cruise with you.我们可以偷偷带走一两个孙子,跟你作一次真正的航行。

10.Take a geek cruise to kill kobolds in the Caribbean, or to talk Macs over Merlot as I cruise up the Pacific coast.乘坐极客巡洋舰去加勒比杀怪,或者在太平洋海岸巡航的时候边喝Merlot边聊macs