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网络释义:希世比(csb-battery);中国地震局(China Seismological Bureau);调查委员会


abbr.1.chemical stimulation of the brain



4.神户汤浅 (YUASA) 、 统力 (GS) 、 神户 (CSB) 、 广隆 (LONG)PS.统力和汤浅合并,成为世界第二大电池厂slot387 wrote:今天早上 …

5.卡舒比语卡舒比语 (csb)斯洛温语(Slovincian,已消亡)西里西亚语 (szl)波拉布语(已消亡) (pox)捷克-斯洛伐克亚语支 捷克语 (ces)迦 …


1.Customer service behavior (CSB); Service performance; Simultaneity ; Customer relationship; Coproduction.顾客服务行为;顾客认知服务绩效;即时性;协同生产;关系。

2.As with all CSB batteries, all are rechargeable, highly efficient, leak proof and maintenance free.所有CSB电池均可充电使用,高效率,防泄露,免保养。

3.The CSB has strengthened earthquake monitoring, the bureau said.地震局表示已加强地震监测。

4.So this paper propose a kind of coordinative services based service execution environment(CSB-SEE).因此,本文提出了一种基于协同服务总线的业务执行环境。

5.CSB is based on original bibpcal languages and translated directly into Mandarin Chinese.《中文标准译本》由圣经原文直接翻译成当代标准普通话。

6.The culture and trait of SRB and CSB were studied.实验分别对SRB和CSB的培养及特性进行了研究。

7.This is the first visit to Egypy, also the first visit to an African country by the Seismologic al Delegation of CSB.这是中国地震局地震代表团首次访问埃及,也是首次访问非洲国家。

8.Seismological Investigations in the United States of America by the Investigation Group of Seismic Monitoring Techniques of CSB中国地震局地震监测技术考察团访问美国

9.Investigation on the Royal Astronomical Observatory of Belgium by the Investigation Group on Earthquake Disaster Management of CSB中国地震局地震灾害管理考察团考察比利时皇家天文台

10.Seismological Investigations in Turkey and Greece by the Youth Scientific and Technological Delegation of CSB中国地震局青年科技代表团赴土耳其、希腊进行地震工作考察