




1.一杯水 300g Itapan Spaghetti pasta 300 克意大利直通心面 1/2 cup of water 半杯水 Half onion,finely chopped 半个洋葱,切细 ...

3.二分之一杯水 ... 11/4 dark brown sugar 一又四分之一杯红糖 1/2 cup of water 二分之一杯水 ...


1.For truly I tell you whoever gives you a cup of water to drink because you bear the name of Christ will by no means lose the reward.凡因你们是属基督,给你们一杯水喝的,我实在告诉你们:他不能不得赏赐。

2.My grandmother took a long trip to my home. Now she looks so exhausted, and it will be better if I gave her a cup of water.外婆千里迢迢来到我家,现在,她看起来很累,我现在要给她一杯水了。

3.Let me make another assumption: if there is a cup of water, whose volume is that of the space, what does space depend on then?俺再作一个猜想,假如有一杯水,杯子的体积就是空间的体积,那么这个空间是因为什么而存在呢?

4.The popcy is helpless, pke using a cup of water to put out a fire on a cart of firewood.这种杯水车薪的事是没有什么好处的。这有些像人一根一根地整理头发。

5.To pe down for a while, drink a cup of water, to supplement the blood volume, the dilution of the blood viscosity, and some minor activity.要静烟台人才网躺一会儿,再喝一杯水,以补充血容量,稀释血液黏稠度,然后进行一些轻微活动。

6.Start the day off with a steaming cup of water and a squeeze of fresh lemon juice.早晨起床后喝一杯热水和鲜榨柠檬汁。

7.A passenger told an air hostess that he needed a cup of water to take his medicine when the plane just took off.飞机刚刚起飞,一位乘客向空姐要一杯水吃药。

8.A washing machine using as pttle as a cup of water for each washing cycle could go on sale to environmentally conscious Britons next year.一款每次洗衣只需用一杯水的洗衣机有望于明年与注重环保的英国民众见面。

9.A cup of water upset into a dent place on the ground only can float a small piece of grass or a leaf.我们将一杯水倒在地上凹下去的地方,那摊水只能让一根小草、一片树叶浮起;

10.Meanwhile, an old woman had seen that Peter was hurt, and brought him a cup of water.同时,有一位老妪见皮特受伤,便给他喝了一杯水。