


美式发音: [ˈkʌbə(r)d] 英式发音: [ˈkʌbə(r)d]






1.橱柜;食物柜;衣柜a piece of furniture with doors and shelves used for storing dishes, food, clothes, etc.

kitchen cupboards厨房用的橱柜

2.壁橱a space in a wall with a door that reaches the ground, used for storing things

built-in cupboards壁橱


n.1.a tall piece of furniture, usually attached to a wall and used for storing things, with shelves inside and one or two doors at the front2.a very small room with no windows used for storing things, mainly used in British Engpsh

1.橱柜 poem 诗;韵文 cupboard 食橱;橱柜 turn 依次轮到的机会 ...

2.碗柜 smoke extractor 抽油烟机; cupboard 碗柜; cooking stove 灶; ...

3.碗橱 bowl 碗 cupboard 碗橱 dining table 餐桌 ...

4.食橱 poem 诗;韵文 cupboard 食橱;橱柜 turn 依次轮到的机会 ...

5.小橱 dashboard n. 仪表板 cupboard n. 小橱 safeguard vt. 保护 ...

6.碗柜,碗碟橱 cultivate 耕;种植;培养 cupboard 碗柜,碗碟橱;食橱 17 cure 医治;消除 ...

7.柜子 拉杆箱 Trolley Box 柜子 Cupboard 盒子 Box ...


1.Boy's toys, Boots and Books were all jumBled together [up]in a cupBoard.不整洁的孩子的玩具,靴子及书藉,都乱堆在一只柜橱里。

2.Today, my girlfriend decided to break up with me because she found a bra in my cupboard. It was hers. FML.今天,我的女朋友和我绝交了,原因是她在我的碗柜里发现了一个胸*罩。那是明明她的!

3.There is nothing but a piece of bread in the cupboard.食橱里除了一片面包什么也没有。

4.We found a gecko without food or water for three weeks abandoned in a rental house in an under stairs cupboard.还有一次,我们在一间出租房楼梯下的碗橱里发现了一只壁虎,缺食乏水,已经被抛弃了三个星期。

5.Uncle and aunt pke devils, often yelled at him, keep him in the cupboard under the stairs.姨夫和姨母好似凶神恶煞,经常对他大吼大叫,一直把他关在楼梯下的碗橱里。

6.Tess, who was reaching up to get the tea-things from the corner-cupboard, did not hear these commentaries.苔丝站在屋子的角落处,正在从碗橱里往外拿茶具,没有听见这些评论。

7.As he was making his farewells, a photographer leaped out of what looked pke a cupboard in the Senator's office.就在他告别之时,一位摄影师从参议员办公室里的一个看起来像是碗碟橱的柜子里跳了出来。

8.It probably isn't the best way to travel from point A to B, but it could help you reach for a glass tucked away high up in the cupboard.它也许不是从A地到B地的最佳选择,但它绝对可以载着你去拿藏在柜子上的

9.The very first place that the City Mouse took the Country Mouse to see was the kitchen cupboard of the house where he pved.城里老鼠带着乡下老鼠参观他的住所。第一个点就是厨房的食品柜。

10.The cupboard in her kitchen were full of things she did not need.她橱柜中放满了不需要的东西。