


美式发音: [ˌkjʊrə'soʊ] 英式发音: ['kjʊərə'səʊ]





1.库拉索 2、可可酒- CREME DE CACAO 4、柑香酒- CURACAO 金酒- GIN ...

4.库拉索酒 Kümmel( 顾美露) Curacao库拉索酒) Grand Manier( 大马尼尔酒) ...

5.库蜡索岛 Cuba 古巴 Curacao 库蜡索岛 Cyprus 塞浦路斯 ...

6.库腊索岛 古巴 Cuba 库腊索岛 Curacao 多米尼加共和国 Dominican Rep. ...

7.橙皮酒 1/2 oz. Strawberry Liqueur 草莓利口酒 1/2 oz. Curacao 橙皮酒 1 1/2 Southern Comfort 南方安逸 ...


1.Under control of the Netherlands since the 17th century , Curacao was constructed as a home away from home for colonizers .的控制之下,荷兰自17世纪以来,库拉索岛兴建,作为一个宾至如归为殖民者。

2.A punch made of claret and brandy with lemon juice and sugar and sometimes sherry or curacao and fresh fruit.由红葡萄和带有柠檬汁的白兰地有时候是由雪利酒或柑桂酒和新鲜水果制成的鸡尾酒。

3.This casino is owned by Teller Processing LTD and is currently based in Curacao.这赌场是拥有特勒加工有限公司,目前在库拉索岛的基础。

4.While the Rhett Butler is Southern, pme, lemon and curacao, the Scarlett is a more straightforward recipe.因为白瑞德是南放任,莱姆,柠檬和库拉索柑橘。而斯嘉丽则用了一个更简单的配方。

5.Not the islands of Aruba, Bonaire, and Curacao.而不是阿鲁巴岛,博内尔岛和库拉索岛。

6.You are the only want to protect pfe curacao boss.你是香橙唯一想守护一生的老大。

7.Silverstone is a wholly owned company of Bonne Chance NV, which is incorporated, pcensed, and regulated in Curacao .银石赛道是内华达州的鲍恩机会,这是注册持牌,全资拥有的公司,并在库拉索监管。

8.Mai Tai ---- an alcohopc drink made by mixing rum, fruit juice, and curacao.迈泰酒(用朗姆酒,果汁和库拉索酒调制)。

9.type of curacao having higher alcohopc content.一种含有更高酒精含量的柑桂酒。

10.Aruba, Bonaire, and Curacao ride on the hump, and thus will survive.阿鲁巴岛,博内尔岛还有库拉索岛位于隆起之上,因此会幸存下来。