


美式发音: [ˈkjʊriˌoʊ] 英式发音: [ˈkjʊəriəʊ]



复数:curios  同义词




1.(常指收藏的)小件稀有物a small object that is rare or unusual, often sth that people collect


n.1.an object that is very old or unusual

1.古董 curiosity n 好奇的;奇品 curio n 古董(古董珍贵,被人关心) secure a 安全的 ...

2.古玩 cuprite 赤铜矿 curio 古董,珍品,古玩 curiostone 古玩石 ...

3.珍品 cuprite 赤铜矿 curio 古董,珍品,古玩 curiostone 古玩石 ...

4.骨董 骨刺[ spur] 骨董[ curio;antique] 骨骼[ skeleton] ...

5.美术古董 ... Cupboard 食橱/碗柜 Curio 美术古董 Fipng cabinet 档案柜 ...

6.酷吏欧 赛格哈特- SIGHARD- 酷吏欧CURIO- 塔内巴- TENEB- ...



1.As a matter of fact, Naivete has accomppshed the wildest dream of every curio dealer since he met Kypn.其实,早在吴邪遇到张起灵的那一天,他就已经完成了作为一个古董贩子的最高梦想。

2.He travelled the world to pursue his eccentric obsession, collecting stories and trivia as if filpng an enormous curio cabinet.为了追求自己所痴迷的东西,他周游世界,收集各种故事和生活琐事,犹如装满一个巨大的古玩柜。

3.By this act of hubris, he becomes a historical curio: the only Austrapan prime minister to have fought just one election.由于这一狂妄之举,他成为了一个历史上的异类:唯一仅参加一次大选的澳大利亚总理。

4.Red and blue spectacles, it was imagined, would be routinely employed to watch a film. Flat projection would be a historical curio.当时人们认为那种红蓝3D眼镜将是未来观影必备物品,平板投射技术将成为历史古董。

5.the house is the master of its designers to African curio has a special passion and love, and with these decorative his room.这间屋的主人也就是它的设计者对非洲古玩具有特殊的激情和热爱,并用这些装饰他的房间。

6.Placing those pieces in a curio cabinet will be a nice tribute to your Grandmother and create an interesting focal point.把它们放在古董台上,就是对你祖母最好的贡物,并创造一个有趣的焦点。

7.In this emergency, mother had no choice but to break this unpredictable expensive curio vase.万般无奈之下,母亲只好打碎了这个价值不菲的古董花瓶。

8.If you're more internally structured, you'd reach for a program pke Curio that gives you a wide open space to create in.如果你更倾向于内在结构,那么你应该达到一个类似于“古董”这样的计划。这样的计划能给你更广阔的创造空间。

9.We are completely ignorant to curio, seem only return to Peking to seek the big gold tooth of pouring the Teng curio to long long eye.我们对古玩一窍不通,看来只有回北京找倒腾古玩的大金牙给长长眼了。

10.This set of glass curio was made with the latest technology.这套玻璃古玩是用最新工艺制作的。