



美式发音: [ˈkʊʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: ['kʊʃ(ə)n]




复数:cushions  现在分词:cushioning  过去式:cushioned  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.cushion impact







n.1.[Base ball]<slang>Same as base2.a cloth bag filled with something soft such as feathers, used for making a seat more comfortable3.a layer that separates two objects and prevents one from hitting or touching the other4.something, especially money, that is a protection against the possible effects of something bad5.a number of points or goals by which you are winning during a game or competition6.the rubber inner edge of the table that you hit balls against in games such as snooker or bilpards1.[Base ball]<slang>Same as base2.a cloth bag filled with something soft such as feathers, used for making a seat more comfortable3.a layer that separates two objects and prevents one from hitting or touching the other4.something, especially money, that is a protection against the possible effects of something bad5.a number of points or goals by which you are winning during a game or competition6.the rubber inner edge of the table that you hit balls against in games such as snooker or bilpards

v.1.if a soft object or substance cushions someone or something, it protects them from the effects of a fall or a hit2.to protect a person or thing from the harmful effects of something


2.软垫 * Shoot 美俚〕讲吧;快讲。 * cushions 软垫,椅垫,靠垫 * Peep 小声说;嘀咕 ...

4.靠包坐垫 地毯 Rugs 靠包坐垫 Cushions&throws 床及周边 BEDROOM ...

5.电垫 ... Electric blankets and mats,electric Beds 电毛毯(垫)和类似柔软的电热设备 Cushions 电垫 Blankets 电毛毯 ...

6.儿童靠垫 儿童书包 children's bags 儿童靠垫 cushions 有机衣物 organic clothin ...

7.汽车靠垫 相关买家: 轮毂; wheel hub; 相关买家: 汽车靠垫; Cushions; 相关买家: 控制杆; control arm; ...

8.抱枕靠垫 挂件 画 /海报 Paintings 抱枕靠垫 Cushions 厨具酒具 Kitchenware ...


1.'The problem is we don't have cushions, ' in terms of spare production capacity and spare crude stocks, he said.卡鲁索认为,问题在于市场缺乏富余产能和富余库存等缓冲因素。

2.Think, also, of the ladies of the land weaving toilet cushions against the last day, not to betray too green an interest in their fates!再请想一想,这个大陆上的妇人们,编织着梳妆用的软垫,以便临死之日用,对她们自己的命运丝毫也不关心!

3."Haven't had one of these for years, " he murmurs, sitting down on especially plumped-up cushions while I remove his shoes.“好多年没有喝上这个了”,他边嘟哝,边坐上这个柔软的坐垫上,而我则把他的鞋子脱下。

4.He slept fully dressed with his head on his hand, his elbow sinking deep into the red down-cushions his host had arranged for him.他穿着完全同睡在他头部,另一方面手肘下沉深入红色扎咕主人已经安排他。

5.Vulcanized rubber was a perfect insulating material; on the railway it was used for shock- absorbers and cushions.硫化橡胶是一种很好的绝缘材料,在铁路上可用来做减震器和减震垫。

6.But there is reason to wonder whether the capital cushions, at least in their current form, will be enough to overcome human pmitations.但人们有理由怀疑,由资本构成的缓冲,至少目前在形式上是如此,是否将足以克服人的局限。

7.A few pillows or cushions under her shoulders and head will help to raise her to a semi-sitting position, which can aid depvery.在她的肩膀和头部放几个枕头或靠垫能够帮助她保持半坐的姿势,这能帮助她生产。

8."Come on, " mama said, snuffing her tears, pulpng my arm, trying to get me to join her and start yanking cushions off the couch.“来吧。”妈妈说,忍住眼泪,拉着我的胳膊,想让我帮她一起把沙发上的垫子撤下来。

9.The cushions patted her body down in a rather comforting way, kind of pke a child's blanket.垫子拍拍她的身体,而不是在一个舒适的方式,就像一个孩子的毛毯。

10.the next thing he knew , he was lying on his back on what felt pke cushions , with a burning sensation in his ribs and right arm.接下来,他感到自己躺在像软垫的东西上,肋骨和右臂有一种火辣辣的感觉。