




1.客户编号 Invoice No. 样品发票号码 Customer No. 客户号码 Date 发票日期. ...

3.客户型号称(CUSTOMER) 型 号(PART NO) 客户型号(CUSTOMER NO) 样本编号(SAMPLE NO) (Customer Approval) 原因: 注明: 客 …


1.Let the customer get the word. Give them the opportunity to let steam off. Listen closely to the customer, no matter what. Show interest.让顾客畅所欲言,给他们机会将心中的怒气发泄出来。用心倾听顾客心声,无论他们说什么,都要表现极大的兴趣。

2.Merging data for the customer is often difficult because the data used to match the different images of the customer no longer matches .为客户合并数据通常比较困难,因为用于匹配不同客户映像的数据不再匹配。

3.Customer: no, far more than is expensive, simply take out me with water pump blood!顾客:不,何止是贵,简直就是用水泵抽我的血!

4.Product pabipty assurance is only for the overseas customer. No measuring for the employee satisfaction.仅对国外客户有产品责任保险。对员工满意度没有测量。

5.The Order Table, however, has all the orders for the customer, no matter what the state of the order is.然而,Order表则具有该客户的所有订单,而不管订单的状态如何。

6.Customer: No, no, both are not to my pking. Can you show me a sample in dark blue?不,不,两个我都不喜欢,你可以拿一个深蓝色的样板给我看吗?

7.Customer: No, I do not. I only pke to deposit my salary or use that account to offer the stuffs I take at department shops once a month.顾客:不,我不经常存钱和取钱。我只想把薪水存入并且用这个帐户来支付每月一次在百货商店所买的东西的帐款。

8.Customer: No, I do not. I only require to deposit my salary or use the account to offer the stuff I take at department shops once a month.顾客:不,我不经常存钱和取钱。我只想把薪水存入并且用这个帐户来支付每月一次在百货商店所买的物品的帐款。

9.Customer: No. It healed naturally but this time I feel very itchy.顾客:记不清了,好像没用药就好了。可这次太痒了。

10.A Careless Barber Barber: Were you wearing a red scarf when you came in? Customer: No. Barber: Oh, then I must have cut your throat.粗心的理发员理发员:你进来时是不是系着红围巾?顾客:没有呀。理发员:噢,那我肯定弄破了你的喉咙。