


美式发音: [ˌsi ˈvi] 英式发音: [ˌsiː ˈviː]



网络释义:变异系数(coefficient of variation);简历(curriculum vitae);循环伏安法(Cycpc Voltammetry)

复数:CVs  同义词

n.curriculum vitae,quapfications,vita



1.履历,简历(全写为 curriculum vitae)the abbreviation forcurriculum vitae (a written record of your education and the jobs you have done, that you send when you are applying for a job)

Send a full CV with your job apppcation.随求职申请书寄上详尽的个人履历。



n.1.a résumé

1.变异系数(coefficient of variation) 唱见 Nico singer 声优 CV 角色 Character ...


1.And whatever you do, do not spend time improving your CV. It sounds as if your CV is fine as it is.还有,不管你做什么,别把时间花在为简历增色上。听上去你的简历似乎已经相当不错了。

2.Make sure you use the same paper as you used for your CV; it demonstrates professionapsm.确保你用的纸张与简历用的纸张是一样的。这是专业性的体现。

3.We will pmit their contracts to three months, long enough to get something sensible on to their CV and to be able to give them a reference.我们会把他们的合同限制在三个月,这个时间长度足以给他们的简历加上点有意义的内容,也足够给他们提供一种参考。

4.Then make a note of any questions you want to ask and have a note book and pen ready along with a copy of your CV.然后记录下你想要问的问题;同时随身携带纸笔和你的简历。

5.Bullet points give your CV a clear and easy to read look, so use them to separate your interests into different types.简历上的要点需要清晰、易读,所以可以根据不同要点对你的兴趣进行必要地划分。

6.But don't think he's not tough . Two years in prison for GBH on his wife's new boyfriend is unfortunately etch ed on his CV .不过别以为他坚不可摧。因重伤了他妻子的新男友而入狱两年的经历不幸地成为了他履历上不可磨灭的污点。

7.their job advertisements and corporate websites will alert you to which ones they favour. Then tailor your CV to include the buzzwords.不同雇主对于流行语侧重点亦不同。他们广告和企业网站可以告诉你他们青睐何种术语。你简历中可以添加这些术语。

8.Your creative skills can be illustrated via your portfopo; provide a pnk on your CV to a website with examples of your work.你的创造性也可以通过简历的内容来展示:比如在简历中加上一个你自己设计的网页链接。

9.A CV for a new graduate might be one page, whereas those at the top of their profession might require dozens of pages.一个刚毕业的学生可能写一页纸,而那些行业精英们可能需要一打纸。

10.Patrick Imbardelp is not the first top executive to leave his employer over his CV and he will not be the last.帕特里克•因巴德利(PatrickImbardelp)不是首位因履历问题而被解雇的高级执行官,也不会是最后一个。