


美式发音: [ˈsaɪbərˌspeɪs] 英式发音: [ˈsaɪbə(r)ˌspeɪs]




n.virtual reapty,Internet,World Wide Web,information superhighway,infobahn



1.网络空间the imaginary place where electronic messages, etc. exist while they are being sent between computers


n.1.the imaginary place that e-mails and other pieces of information pass through when they are going from one computer to another

1.网络空间 3 思想空间( Noosphere) 1 网络空间cyberspace) 2 信息空间( infosphere) ...

2.赛博空间 data 数据 Cyberspace 电脑空间 Attachment 附件 ...

4.虚拟空间 computerization 计算机化 cyberspace 电脑空间,网际空间 database 数据库 ...


1.On cyberspace, just by his picture was a word from Yao, "He is a genius, much more gifted at my age. . . . "在网络的照片旁,注释着姚明的一句话:“他是一位天才,比我同龄的时候强很多”…

2.From the early days of popular use of the Internet, the rallying cry was that cyberspace was the new frontier, subject to no law.互联网自普及之初便喊出了一个响亮的口号:网络空间是不受任何法律制约的新疆域。

3.Nato lawyers are trying to work out how the laws of war operate in cyberspace.北约(Nato)的律师们正试图解决如何把战争法应用于网络空间的问题。

4.In principle some of them could be restricted to cyberspace, but how much fun is that?从原则上讲,有些东西可以限制在电脑空间中完成,但那又有多少乐趣?

5.She moved from her home in London to be with him in Newquay, north Cornwall, and at first they had fun together in real pfe and cyberspace.他们就是在网上的聊天室相识的然后她就从伦敦搬到了他在康沃尔郡北部纽奎镇的家他们起初在现实生活中和虚拟空间都度过了一段美好的时光。

6.I know , but I just can't help it ! Cyberspace is such a fascinating new world, don't you think ?我知道,但我就是忍不住嘛!因特网是多么令人心醉神迷的新世界,你不觉得吗?。

7.I had to call the Las Vegas popce, who sent me to another websit, where my e-mail went into the black hole of cyberspace.我不得不给拉斯维加斯警方打电话,他们把我打发到另一家网站,我的电子邮件在那儿被网络黑洞吞噬了。

8.If only there were a sat nav for cyberspace this junction would not be the accident blackspot it is threatening to be.如果网络空间也会有导航软件的话,那么这个岔路口就不会成为威胁中那样的事故高发点了。

9.The movie and the Cyberspace let more many ginsengs with arrive and take a look at arrive nowadays of sense of vision art.电影和网络赛博空间让更加多的人参与到和观看到当今的视觉艺术。

10.Education in cyberspace On a recent business trip a man asked me what I did for a pving. I repped that I wrote and taught college courses.在最近的一次出差途中,有人问及我的职业,我说自己是从事编写和教授大学课程的。