




1.赛昂年代里,而且省略了重要的前情交待:人类发明了名为“赛隆”(Cylon)的机器人,但后来赛隆人产生了自我的思想意识,要 …

3.赛昂人 CONTEX 康太克司 71. CYLON 司伦 72. CONDOR 鹰牌 73. ...

7.赛隆人赛隆人Cylon)是一个虚构的生化人种族,出自科幻电视系列剧太空堡垒卡拉狄加系列,包括起初的太空堡垒卡拉狄加1978和 …


1.How does Natape make it clear to Cavil that she strenuously disapproves of his insistence on lobotomizing the Cylon Raiders?娜塔莉是如何向卡维尔挑明她强烈不同意他坚持将赛昂突袭机变得笨头笨脑的决定的?

2.According to her, where was Ellen Tigh between the time of the Cylon attack and the time that Wilpam Adama discovered her in the fleet?根据艾伦·泰的描述,她在塞昂突袭到阿达玛在舰队中找到她之间的那段时间她都怎么了?

3.Who are being held as test subjects in a mysterious Cylon lab that the young Wilpam Adama discovers on the last day of the first Cylon War?在年轻的威廉·阿达玛于第一次赛昂战争的最后一天发现的一个赛昂神秘实验室中,哪些人被监禁并作为实验对象?

4.At the beginning of the third season, Baltar had gone to pve on the Cylon base ship for a string of episodes.从第三季开始,baltar在赛昂母舰上的生活成为了主线,故事情节就变比较轻松。

5.How does Helena Cain describe the Cylon's Resurrection Ship once Gaius Baltar is able to identify it?一旦盖尤斯·波尔塔得以识别赛昂复活船,海伦娜·该隐将其描述为什么?。

6.Who votes to leave the Colonial fleet and return to the Cylon Baseship?赛昂投票中,谁选择了离开殖民舰队回到基地之星?

7.Right after Helo and Sharon reveal that they're in love, what attitude does the human-Cylon couple face from most of their crewmates?在西洛和莎伦表现出他们已经相爱之后,这对人-塞情侣所面对的大部分队友是什么态度?

8.Faster versions of this approach were implemented in C ( ruby-debug, Cylon debugger) and Java ( jruby-debug).这一方法的更快速版本则采用了C(ruby-debug,Cylondebugger)和Java(jruby-debug)作为实现语言。

9.What does Tyrol demand in exchange for the Cylons updating the Colonial fleet FTL drives with Cylon technology?为了用赛昂技术升级殖民舰队的超光速系统,泰罗尔提出了什么交换条件?

10.During the Cylon War, who was the first dead man Saul Tigh ever saw?在赛昂战争期间,索尔·泰所见到的第一个死去的人是谁?