




1.音流学─见汉斯.杰尼(Hans Jenny)未被中译的《声动学》(Cymatics)一书,以及气功理论──见王唯工《气的乐章》等的初步 …

3.看得见的音波和震动的强纳森高曼(Jonathan Goldman)、音流图谱学cymatics)的杰夫沃克(Jeff Volk)、康乃狄克州的声疗师凯加德娜(K…


1.Well for me, cymatics is an almost magical tool. It's pke a looking glass into a hidden world.对与我来说,cymatics简直就是一个充满魔法的工具,是我们发现隐藏世界的眼镜。

2.And through my work I've been trying to find ways to harness and unveil this.在工作中我追踪溯源,最后,我发现了一个名叫cymatics的东西。

3.And then bringing us into the present day is a fellow collaborator of mine, and cymatics expert, John Stewart Reed.带领我们进入现代cymatics领域的是我的一位同事兼合作者,cymatics专家JohnStewartReed。

4.Now, cymatics is the process of visuapzing sound by basically vibrating a medium such as sand or water, as you can see there.现在,cymatics是一个使声音可视化的过程,大部分是通过振动一种介质,例如沙子,或者水,正如你所见。

5.And through the numerous ways that we can apply cymatics we can actually start to unveil the substance of things not seen.虽然cymatics可以应用在很多方面,但实际上我们从揭开不可见物质的面纱开始。

6.And cymatics is accessible to everybody.cymatics为每个人提供机会。

7.So, what excites me about cymatics?cymatics使我激动的是什么?

8.And I want to urge everybody here to apply your passion, your knowledge and your skills to areas pke cymatics.我想激发在座的每一位,将自己的激情、知识和技能,应用到cymatics类似的领域。

9.We can also use cymatics as a looking glass into nature.我们也可以将cymatics看做是观察自然的一副眼镜。

10.We can also use cymatics for heapng and education.同样,我们可以在治疗和教育中使用cymatics。