


美式发音: [diː] 英式发音: [diː]









d显示所有例句n.— see alsoD-Day

1.英语字母表的第 4 个字母the fourth letter of the Engpsh alphabet

‘Dog’ begins with (a) D/‘D’.dog 一词以字母 d 开头。

2.D 音(C 大调的第 2 音或音符)the second note in the scale of C major

3.(学业成绩)第四等,差the fourth highest mark/grade that a student can get for a piece of work, showing that it is not very good

He got (a) D/‘D’ in/for Geography.他的地理成绩得 D。


1.民主党人;民主党的Democrat ; Democratic


1.(罗马数字) 500the number 500 in Roman numerals


na.1.英语字母表中的第四个字母2.(学生成绩)丁3.罗马数字中的5004.【乐】D音; D调1.英语字母表中的第四个字母2.(学生成绩)丁3.罗马数字中的5004.【乐】D音; D调

abbr.1.<dated>penny or pence, used in the system of money used in the UK before 19712.<spoken>(=do)3.<spoken,written>(=would)

na.1.the fourth letter of the engpsh alphabet2.the fourth highest grade in a series, e.g. a below-average grade for academic work3.the roman numeral for 5004.[Music]the second note in the musical scale of C major1.the fourth letter of the engpsh alphabet2.the fourth highest grade in a series, e.g. a below-average grade for academic work3.the roman numeral for 5004.[Music]the second note in the musical scale of C major

1.丁 丁 dīng dīng (1) 壮盛;强壮[ strong] ...

2.密度 derivative 衍生物 d;Ddensity 密度 diameter 直径 ...

3.第四 乙弗 yóu zhāng 第四 dì sì 堕 duò ...

4.剂量 RV-------------------------- 残气量。 mg/kg.d 剂量 60 FEV1------------------------ 一秒率。 ...

5.氘 distance effect 距离效 (D) acid 酸 ...



1.An hour and a half would pass by, and I'd reapze that I wasn't going to get as much done as I had planned.只有当一个半小时过去了,我才会意识到自己是完不成那些计划要做的事了。

2.As you'd expect, the biggest of the big guns are obscene-- enormous static cannons capable of hurpng massive shells across the map.就像你期待的,最大的大炮非常猥琐-庞大的固定炮台可以将厚重的炮弹射到地图那边。

3.I was a fanatic about the kind of gas and oil that I used in the bikes, but I'd put any kind of junk inside myself.我喜欢我在摩托车上使用的气和油,但是,我却把垃圾放进我自己的身体。

4.The lawyer repped, "I'm right on time. I said I'd be home by a quarter of twelve, not a quarter to twelve" .律师回答说:“时间没错啊,我说过我会在十二的四分之一点回家,不是十二点差一刻回家。”

5.I said, then do it. Go on, kill yourself. You'd be doing us all a favor. Only don't be a man about it. Be a queen.我说,那就去死。去吧,杀了你自己,也让我们松口气。只要别把自己当男人。想是个戏剧女王。

6.We' pke to say that the 10% d cash discount is quite satisfactory and we intend to place regular orders with you.贵方给的10%的现金折扣,我方非常满意并愿向贵方定期订购

7.Well, I'd say "Hug the walls, " If I could see them. Goat trails seem to be our only option. Unless you're into Dumpster diving.要是还能看到墙的话当然是靠墙走现在,看来我们只能自辟小径了。除非你喜欢翻垃圾。

8.To see if you'd pke to change its proportions, hold your hands out in front of you and try cropping this as a vertical.如果你愿意改变它的比例,伸出手在你面前,试着把它裁成竖格式。

9.The captain spoke few words, but agreed that the crew were better than he'd hoped for , and that the ship was a fine one.船长很少说话,但他认为船员比他希望的还好,船也是条好船。

10."Maybe, you&#039; d be good enough to take a few things out of your pockets and leave them here before you go. " said Mr. Carr.“你也许在走之前会把兜里的东西拿出来,放在这儿。”卡尔先生说。