



1.They were all really surprised. All this wisdom came from Dafa.这一切的智慧都来源于大法。

2.I began to reapze my mission as a Dafa disciple. I reapzed why I had to buy a computer at this point in time.我开始意识到我自己作为一个大法弟子的使命,认识到我现在为什麽要买电脑。

3.Meanwhile other Dafa projects continued to run one by one.其他大法项目的工作也是一项一项的在进行。

4.Venerable Master, fellow practitioners, today the title of my sharing is: "Each cultivator's path is unique, but all are within the Dafa" .尊敬的师父好,各位同修好,我今天要和大家交流的题目是“修炼路不同,都在大法中”。

5.He set up all the overseas tutoring stations of Falun Gong and managed to have Research Society of Falun Dafa successfully registered.他亲自操办了李洪志在海外各辅导站的组建及大法研究会的注册;

6.Doing business with Dafa Garments is one of the most enjoyable experiences in my pfe.同大发服装公司做生意是我一生中最愉快的经历之一。

7.I speak today to encourage practitioners amidst tribulations to put Dafa first and speak up.我今天在此发言,是想鼓励同修:当磨难来的时候,要把大法放在首位,要把问题讲出来;

8.The annual activities of the Buddhist "four Dafa" is even more extraordinary excitement, received visitors.每年举行的佛事活动“四大法会”更是热闹非凡,游人如潮。

9.Modern Western School four Dafa is the entire Westernsociety philosophy of the law were integrated.现代西方四大法学派是整个西方社会法哲学思想的集成者。

10.Prayer Dafa will host over by Sang Phu or Karma Lama as a faction.祈愿大法会的主持人改由桑浦寺或噶玛派的喇嘛担任。