




1.武夷山大红袍 ... 中庸 yimai.org网址被屏蔽 义卖 dahongpao网址被屏蔽 大红袍 dahongpao.mobi ...


1.Then the door wide open Dahongpao wearing only a hospital for the elderly laughs, "" beast turning pale panic and flee.这时大门大开只见院内一位身披红袍的老人哈哈大笑,“年”兽大惊失色仓惶而逃。

2.Bs the best tribute tea of both Ming and Qing dynasties, Dahongpao experienced a hello story of more than 350 years.武夷山大红袍已经有350多年的历史,是明清两代贡茶中的极品。

3.The attraction of dahongpao, a form of Oolong, is its rarity.大红袍是乌龙茶的一种,它的吸引力在于其稀有性。

4.Let consumer eat chineseredpepper in the original pure incense of the DaHongPao.让消费者吃上纯正麻香的原生态大红袍花椒。

5.We should certainly take a look at the Dahongpao brand.那我们就一定要去看一看大红袍了。

6.Are they really the legendary Dahongpao?这就是传说中的大红袍啊?

7.It gives the most beautiful maple woven Dahongpao.它给枫树织的红袍最漂亮。

8.The dahongpao phenomenon mirrors in exaggerated form the burgeoning demand in China for high-end French wines.大红袍现象与中国对高档法国红酒需求增长如出一辙,只是更为夸张。

9.Ordinary people can also drink Dahongpao tea.普通老百姓也可以喝到大红袍了。

10.Since the middle of last year, the report says, prices of certain types of dahongpao have increased tenfold.报道说,从去年年中开始,大红袍某些品种的价格涨了十倍。