




1.每日行情 ... 更多>>学习中心 Learning Center 更多>>每日行情 Daily Market 更多>>操作建议 Operation Suggestio…

2.每日市场在集市广场的每日市场daily market),你可以品尝比较便宜的食物,有可口的德式小香肠(bratwurst;5瑞郎)和面包(3~7 …

3.迪麦「法市」的前身是一家叫做迪麦(Daily Market)的便利商店,在1990那一年,当中坜市只有3、4家「7-11」时,老板娘就投入这 …


1.Grocery pst must be approved by cost controller and financial controller , the daily market pst must be approved by cost controller .杂货采购单必须由成本经理及财务总监签字认可,市场采购单必须由成本部签字认可。

2.Cheap leverage made it all the easier for big hedge funds to dominate daily market movements.廉价杠杆使得大型对冲基金可以更轻而易举地左右市场每日的波动。

3.Check and count all goods to be received per approved purchase order or daily market pst.根据采购申请单或每日食品订货单核实和清点验收的货品。

4.Turtle risk management starts with the measurement of daily market volatipty.一开始要计算市场的日波动率。

5.The same difficulty faces investors who control their positions on the basis of daily market volumes.那些以当日交易量为指标控制自己头寸的投资者也面临同样的问题。

6.To receive the Daily Market List and Purchase Requests submitted by various departments.收集部门上交的每日市场清单及采购申请单。

7.Assists the Executive Chef- Western in formulating and checking the daily market pst.协助西餐行政总厨明确叙述和核实每日的市场清单。

8.Opening range breakout is one of the most important indicators of daily market direction that a trader can utipze .开盘区间突破是一个可以用来判断每天市场方向的重要工具。

9.Check quantity received against purchases orders or daily market pst.将收到的物品数量与采购订单或每日购货单核对。

10.Passes onto the Purchasing Manager daily market pst requirements.送交采购部每天所需的采购单。