




1.戴姆勒克莱斯勒 ... Ø 日产 Nissan:NES-M5083-CED Ø 戴姆克莱斯勒 DaimlerChrysler:PS-6061;PF-9968;PF8871 Ø 通用 GM:998-413…

5.戴-克 丰田( Toyota) 戴克( DaimlerChrysler) 大众集团( VW) ...

6.汽车 Toyota 日本 DaimlerChrysler 汽车 Ford 美国 ...


1.[font=Tahoma]IT WAS supposed to be a "merger of equals" , but has turned out to be just another disastrous car-industry takeover.[font=Tahoma]戴姆勒-克莱斯勒(DaimlerChrysler)原本应是“平等的合并”,但最终却成为轿车业又一桩灾难性的收购。

2.Under German rules, DaimlerChrysler had been able to hide the loss, which was only revealed as a result of psting in a common-law country.该公司能在德国的法规下掩藏的巨额亏损,只有到一个实施普通法的国家上市时才显露出来。

3.DaimlerChrysler is the only international automaker able to produce both commercial vehicles and passenger cars in China.在中国,戴姆勒—克莱斯勒是唯一一家可以制造商用车和轿车的国际汽车制造商。

4.The boss of DaimlerChrysler was forced to admit on September 19th that his efforts to turn the American carmaker around had stalled.这位戴姆勒克莱斯勒的老总不得不在9月19日承认,他扭转美国汽车生产商现行格局的努力目前停滞不前。

5.DaimlerChrysler today has a global workforce, a global shareholder base, a global brand awareness and a global outlook.今天,戴姆勒-克莱斯勒拥有一个全球化的员工队伍,一个全球化的股东基础,一个全球化的品牌意识以及全球化视点。

6.VIP tour at Beijing Benz - DaimlerChrysler Automotive plant will be arranged as well .我们还将安排获奖者参观北京奔驰-戴姆勒-克莱斯勒工厂。

7.As head product manager of DaimlerChrysler's Mercedes-Benz car division, the subject is close to Boderie's heart.作为戴姆勒-克莱斯勒(DaimlerChrysler)旗下梅赛德斯-奔驰品牌的产品总经理,博尔德里对此事深感痛心。

8.Ford, General Motors, and DaimlerChrysler are all hoping to take over the troubled Korean firm.福特、通用、戴米勒克莱斯勒均希望自己能接管这一陷入困境的韩国公司。

9."We take intellectual property protection very seriously, " a DaimlerChrysler spokesman said.“我们非常看重知识产权保护问题,”戴姆勒克莱斯勒的一位发言人表示。

10.It is currently a division of the parent company, Daimler AG (formerly DaimlerChrysler AG), after previously being owned by Daimler-Benz.它目前是母公司师,戴姆勒股份公司(原戴姆勒克莱斯勒股份公司),而此前被戴姆勒奔驰拥有。