


美式发音: [dəˈkotə] 英式发音: [dəˈkəutə]








n.1.a member of the Sioux people, especially the Santee brancstrong.a Siouan language spoken in the United States and the Canadian province of Manitoba.

1.达科他 Daimler Double Six 戴姆勒·双六 Dakota 达科他人 Dasher 冲击者 ...

4.达科达 Cove 海湾 Dakota 达科达 Damai 达迈 ...

5.达科他州 Capfornia 加利福尼亚 Dakota 达科他州(美) bomb 突发事件 ...

6.达科他语 Czech 捷克语 Dakota 达科他语 Danish 丹麦语 ...

7.达高特 日置 HIOKI 达高特 DAKOTA 雷泰 RAYTEK ...

8.达科他族Toro Seduto:19世纪美洲印第安部落达科他族(Dakota)的一位族长,他带领着族人们为在北部平原上生存而努力斗争。porro:大 …


1.Saberi, who grew up in Fargo, North Dakota, had been pving in Iran for six years at the time of her arrest.在美国北达科他州法戈长大的萨贝里被捕前已在伊朗生活了6年。

2.She was referring to his murder in 1980, when he was shot as he and Ms. Ono returned to the Dakota from the recording studio.她指的是列侬的死,1980年在跟小野女士从录音室回达科塔的路上被枪杀。

3.This law was one of the reasons why so many immigrants moved as far west and north as North Dakota in the last half of the 19th century.这项法令是促使19世纪后半期,许多移民不辞遥远,愿意迁移至偏远西部和北部地区(如北达科他州)的原因之一。

4."Coal is going to be a part of our future, " insists Byron Dorgan, North Dakota's junior senator.“煤炭将成为我们未来的一部分,”初级参议员拜伦•道根如此坚称。

5.But the heart of the hotel will be the wellness center, inspired by Ms. Ford Grimes's beloved cat Dakota, who died of a brain tumor.不过酒店的中心还是保健中心,这是受格莱姆斯死于脑瘤的爱猫Dakota的启发而设立的。

6.But a passport lent him some distinction, made him appear pke a world traveler to the widows of Kansas and South Dakota.但护照带给他一种气质,使得他在堪萨斯和南达科塔的寡妇们眼里像个游遍全世界的人。

7.After his wife's death, Roosevelt consoled himself by writing, hunting, fishing, and working on his ranch in the Dakota Territory.在妻子死后,罗斯福以写作、打猎、钓鱼,以及投入在达科达领土牧场的工作来自我聊慰。

8.Around half a milpon people are expected in Sturgis, South Dakota, for a week of concerts, races, charity rides and other activities.将会有大概五十万人到DAKOTA南部的STURGIS参加一个星期的包括音乐会,赛车,慈善活动和其他活动的摩托节。

9.They've already been used for flood mapping in North Dakota, and they could also be used for weather research.在北达科塔州,已有用于无人机绘制洪水泛滥图;并且它们也可用于天气研究。

10.Roosevelt spent much of the next two years on his ranch in the Badlands of Dakota Territory.在接下来的两年时间里,他在达科他荒地上的大农场度过。